Chapter 8 - Laurens

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My heart was beating so fast that I was sure it would explode. I had to save my human.

He was in danger because of me. How could I be so selfish?

I tried talking to him, asking if he could swim, if he was ok. I was too worried about him to even properly here his answers. His head was becoming floppy, his eyes were fluttering closed. His body drifted down, further into the darkness of the sea. I swam down with him, still stupidly asking questions. 

Every time he opened his mouth, more water entered his system. I knew humans shouldn't have water go through their mouths, but I never knew how bad it could be. His life was in severe danger and I couldn't even think.

I had to get him out of the water somehow.

I swam round to his back as quickly as possible. He had stopped responding at this point and his entire body was limp. I hooked my arms under his, and began to swim up. My tail was beating furiously, and I was afraid of hurting him, but my priority was getting him out of the water.

When we finally broke the surface of the water, I was hoping he would wake up. I was sure it was the water trapping him in this lifeless sleep. It terrified me when he did not react to the air above the water.

I hugged his body close to my chest as I rushed to the shore, hoping I could still save him. He felt warm against my skin, and that gave me hope. 

I pushed him onto the sand, as far from the water as possible, and forced myself out of the ocean to lay next to him.

I felt my tail begin to dry out immediately, but I had to brace for any pain I might feel. This was all my fault, and I had to make him live. 

I tried to wake him. I so desperately wanted to see those beautiful eyes open again. 

I shook him slightly. I think he coughed! I definitely heard something from him! He was alive, thank the Gods, he was alive.

I leant his head back, as I had seen many humans do to their fellows lost to the sea, and I brushed his ragged hair out of his face. 

As I leant closer too him, I felt his breathe on the side of my face. When I lay my head on his chest I could hear the steady thump-thump thump-thump of his heart. 

I knew I couldn't stay with him much longer, I could already hear the shouts of other humans who had began to look for him, and my tail was beginning to ache as it continued to dry out. None of that mattered to me though, I wanted to be with him when he woke up.

I wanted to tell him I was sorry and I wanted him close to me. I wanted his hand on my back comforting me again. I wanted to lay on him as we both watched the sun set. 

While I was lost in my thoughts, the lights of oil lanterns had begun to creep around the edge of the rock.

Suddenly someone shouted something, and I knew I had overstayed my welcome. I snapped back to the reality, reminded myself that I should fear humans.

Now I was the one in danger.

I had to leave, I glanced down at the beauty on the sands, quickly giving him a small kiss on his forehead, before slipping into the sea again. As soon as I was in the water, I felt stronger. I had to believe everything was going to be ok. 

I swam down quickly, hoping the other humans hadn't seen me, and that they wouldn't hurt my human. As I swam, I tried to figure out what had properly happened. He had talked to me while underwater hadn't he? He answered me, and I answered him?

We spoke. We had a conversation. The realisation of this washed over me and I felt a smile spread across my face. We had spoken! I could finally understand him fully, and he understood me! He knew my name.

I did a small somersault out of pure excitement. I could find out his name soon! We could become friends and maybe...

That didn't matter at the moment though. I needed to get him underwater safely. My heart would not be able to handle that again. And he might not survive next time.

I shook my head of these thoughts, and just thought of him again. I couldn't be worried when thinking of him. We would find a way for him to be safe, together.

A/N I couldn't leave you guys on a cliffhanger for long (and I was threatened by a friend to write this quickly.) Thank you all for reading this! All your views, votes and comments mean the world to me!

Drowning (Lams mermaid AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora