Chapter 11 - Alexander

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Insanity was already creeping it's way into my mind. There's not a lot of people who could be stuck with Jefferson for any amount of time and not begin to lose the ability for logical thought.

I was particularly struggling with the thought of not being able to see John for so long. I knew he would be worried about me. And I was worried about him.

What if he blamed himself? What if he didn't know I was ok? What if he tried to find me, and someone else found him?

I had to stop. All these questions were getting me nowhere. I had to figure out a way to fix this.

Jefferson was asleep, at last, so it was probably the best time I'd ever have to try formulate a plan.

My first thought was obviously to run right out of the cabin, go straight to the cove, and pray John was there, and we could talk before they noticed I was missing.

This plan was immediately flawed by the person standing watch at the door, apparently Jefferson was also sick of confinement, and had tried the same plan several times. I should've known he would have ruined my plans before I even thought of them.

It felt like a prison. Of course I knew it was for the sake of the crew, couldn't have one person infecting everyone else. And of course, there had been too many people insisting they could walk, who now stumble along on a wooden peg.

As much as I knew all this to be true, I resented it. I didn't care about my safety, I cared about John.

I glanced around, looking for something that could possibly help me, imagining crazy ideas of me swinging out the window, and running into the sea, without anyone hearing the slightest splash.

I laughed to myself at my stupidity, until my gaze settled on a quill.

I had an idea.

I would need some help of course, I was hoping the person on door duty would be a friend, or at least a person I could manipulate.

I got up and crept to the door, careful not to squeak any planks. I knew if Jefferson woke up he'd be even more annoying than usual, and I didn't have time for that.

I reached the door and saw, to my dismay, Charles Lee, a useless sailor and an incredibly stupid man.

But maybe a stupid man would be in my favour? Just this once Lee's utter lack of competence could be helpful.

I tried to get Lee's attention with a quiet "ahem", but he seemed dead to the world, not responding in any way.

"Lee" I whispered, trying again, this time nudging him as well.

He gasped, as though he had been caught doing something he shouldn't, despite him seemingly doing nothing at all. He glared at me in silence, waiting for me to continue.

"Lee there's been a.. mistake, I'm supposed to be... doing some writing for Washington while I can't help outside, and well, I am lacking in both paper and ink..." I muttered, trying to seem as believable as possible, but he didn't seem entirely convinced.

"That doesn't sound right Hamilt-" Lee tried to argue, before I cut him off.

"Look, if you want to go tell Washington why none of his work is done, be my guest" I whispered through clenched teeth, hoping Lee was as cowardly as I remembered.

Luckily, he was. His eyes widened in fear as I spoke, before he gave a quick nod and scurried off. I smirked to myself, it really couldn't have gone much better.

With the door finally left open, I could slip through, and run to the cove to find my John.

I walked as quickly and quietly as I could, but I didn't make it far before my path was blocked by the Captain.

He glared down at me, daring me to come up with an excuse.

I did consider trying to slip past him, but I felt that would earn me a very long stay in the ships hold. A little counterproductive to my plan.

I trudged back the the cabin, hoping Lee at least wouldn't disappoint.

At least I could execute plan B with my newly acquired supplies. All I needed was for Jefferson to stay out of the way for long enough, and someone not confined to the medical area.

Lafayette would surely pass by soon, and then I'd just need to convince him to deliver my writings to my dearest Laurens.

I hope he'll be ok.

A/N hey guys! I'm alive! And I can write still!! This chapter is probably garbage, and I'm not sure when the next one is, but I'll try get back into consistent posting! Hope you enjoyed!!!

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