⇾ thirty two

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kian sat at the table, his head in his hands as jc watched him from afar. jc took a swig of his coca-cola before setting the can aside. chelsey came up to him, a frown on her face.

"no luck?" jc asked, even though he already knew the answer by the look on her face. she shook her head.

"no, she said she's not ready."

"damn." jc muttered as crawford walked into the kitchen.

crawford walked over to jc, walking by kian without giving him a single glance. crawford took a water bottle out of the fridge, taking a long sip from it as jc eyed him.

"what?" crawford asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"nothing. has vanessa told you anything?" jc questioned, making crawford shake his head in response.

"she won't answer my calls, not even my texts. she's hurt and i get it." he shrugged, knowing that on the other side of the country, the girl was sulking in her room.

"could you at least not talk about it when i'm sitting right here?" kian spoke up, getting up from his seat at the table.

jc handed him a water bottle from the refrigerator as crawford rolled his eyes at kian. he accepted the water and ignored crawford's hostile attitude towards him. chelsey patted his shoulder lightly in comfort, before stepping out of the kitchen. 

"it's your fault." crawford said as if kian wasn't aware about the situation.

"thanks, i hadn't noticed." kian retorted making crawford scoff in response.

jc watched as the faux blonde and brunette glared at each other, not saying anything. he was well aware that they both cared for her, both in different ways, but he believed crawford had a right to be mad at kian.

kian was known to be a little reckless, sometimes he didn't think things through when he'd say something which would end up putting him in unwanted situations. jc also knew kian wouldn't be bothered so much if he actually didn't care but things were different.

no matter the intentions in the beginning, things had changed and kian had caught feelings.

"look, i know things are messed up right now but being mad at kian isn't going to fix things. you need to figure out how to apologize and you need to try to get her to talk." jc ordered, being slightly tired of their childish antics.

"i'm going to new york for the next few days so i'll let you know if anything changes." crawford said, waving goodbye before making an exit.

"i don't know what i'm gonna do. that video wasn't supposed to be posted."

"i know, i'm sorry, buddy." jc said, patting him on the back before walking away, leaving him alone to ponder in his thoughts.


"vanessa, you can't just sit in there for the rest of your life." julian called through the door as vanessa laid in her bed.

"leave me alone, julian." she called, wrapping herself even more with blanket, focusing on the show she was watching.

two weeks since the incident had passed and vanessa barely left her room. she hadn't communicated with anyone, not even with the people in her own home. she didn't have much distraction with his face continuing to pop up on her social medias, even the shop where she worked at was closed for renovation.

julian opened the door, much to her dismay. he pulled the blanket off of her making her groan as the cold air of the room made contact with her skin.

3 am ⇾ kianessaWhere stories live. Discover now