Evidence that Midoriya sees demons and ghosts

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Mimi: Yay...let's start with no questions.

Nezu: What is it about?

Mimi: Did you not hear me?!

Nezu: *stares*

Mimi: *stares back*

Everyone: Oh snap, shit got intense...

Mimi: Okay...We're gonna see how Midoriya is very well known in the afterlife and his knowledge about it.

Tokoyami: I would quite like this session then.

Shinso: Lord...I don't want to talk to Chad at all...he gets on my nerves.

Midoriya: It's okay, I love you not Chad I was just joking.

Shinso: I hope so! *fake tears*

The screen turned on to show Midoriya and Shinso finishing up their essays, then Kaminari walked in...

Kaminari: Izuku you are the prettiest boy in UA~

Izuku: Thank you Kaminari

Shinso: *glares*

Kaminari: Will you accompany me to the mysterious wedding today?

Shinso: *glares harder*

Izuku: No

Shinso: *smug*

Kaminari: B-But but Izuku I love you!

Izuku: I love you too~ I loooooooooove youuuuuuuuuuu~

Shinso: *Angry mode on*

Kaminari: Marry me Izuku!

Shinso: *pissed and shocked*

Sero: I- wait...Denki is this true?

Kaminari: WAIT- look I'll explain *whispers in Sero's ear*

Sero: OH, Sorry I was scared.

Kaminari: it's fine *kisses Sero's cheek*

Midnight: OOOOOOOooooooOOOOooooo DRAMA! 

Aizawa: what is this...?

Everyone: WHAT IS THIS?

Shigaraki: Chill, those 2 are just playing a prank on eyebags.

Everyone: Oh......

Izuku: No

Kaminari: WHY!

Izuku: I-I don't love you!

Shinso:*happy and smug* Woopsies~


Shinso: *rolls eyes*

Midoriya: I'm in love with another~

Shinso and Kaminari: *both shocked*

Kaminari: Wait this wasn't part of the script


Izuku: *smug and faces Shinso* He

*dramatic music*


*dramatic music*


Shinso: I love you, marry me Izuku

Izuku: no

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