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⌕. ࣪ ִֶָ ࣪ ˖𝟑𝐑𝐃 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝐏𝐎𝐕
"ALL STUDENTS TO THEIR DORMITORIES NOW!" A professor screeched in the hallway.While everyone made their way to their dorms, the light blonde noticed that the boy who lived and his best friend had turn to go the opposite way.

"I'm going to follow them..." she thought to herself. She cunningly followed behind the two boys 

Her skeleton will lie in the chamber forever

These were the words that were written on the wall...with blood?

"Ginny..." the red haired boy said in a sad tone.

It was only moments later that the two boys convinced the golden haired professor to go with them to the out - of - order bathroom.

"This is it Ron...This is the entrance to the chamber of secrets..." the black haired boy said to his friend.

"Say something...Harry say something in parseltongue." the red haired boy told his friend.

"Open..." the boy who lived said in parseltongue.The sinks then slid forward as the two boys and the professor moved behind.The golden haired professor took a peek of the hole then took a deep breath.

"Listen Harry...very good work...I'll just uh...there's no need for me to stay." he said trying to go past them but they pushed him back inside.
The professor was now at the edge of the hole that led to the chamber.

"You first." the green eyed boy said as he and the red head pointed their wands at him.

"If I go what good will it do." the professor muttered.

"Better you than us." the red head stated.

"Um..Uh...Oh fi..ne" the professor said slowly turning around.

"Are you sure you don't want to test it firs- " the professor said before he was cut off by being pushed into the hole.He screamed as he fell into the hole.

"Well...Let's go." the boy who lived said to his best friend as they nodded.

"Oh Harry." the ghost of Moaning Myrtle.

"If you die down there, you could share my toilet." she said then laughed.

"Thanks Myrtle." he said then gave the ghost a small smile.The black haired boy then jumped into the hole,the red head following after him.

The blonde then run towards the hole.

"Going after them Rosie?" the ghost asked.

"Of course I am Myrtle..." the girl said then jumped in.


"Now remember." the black haired boy said. "Any signs of movement close your eyes straight away."

"Go on!" the red head said to the professor who then walked behind the boy who lived as the red head followed behind them.

Just then the light blonde landed on the pile of bones.

"Ew." she said in a low tone then stood up to follow the other three that had come into the hole.

"This way." the boy who lived said motioning the people behind him to follow.

"What's this..." the red head said.

"It's looks like a s...snake." the golden haired professor said.

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