Chapter One: Call Me Penn

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"You know, Des, I really do wish I led an adventurous life—like... a superhero!"

"Of course, I know, Petite. You talk of almost nothing else." She replied her heavy Cajun accent coating her words.

Petite is one of many little pet names Des has for me. I don't mind the name though, especially since when she says it, I imagine Gambit from the 90s X-men cartoons. Ah, the 90s—best animation, I swear.

Des thinks I'm "cute and tiny." Cute is a matter of opinion, but I will admit this much, I am short—five foot two to be exact—especially in comparison to the Amazon that is my best friend. She has the brains and beauty of one to boot: black hair, blue eyes, and tan skin. Not to mention she's a straight-A student, and she hardly even tries! I'm pretty sure she's related to Wonder Woman, but I think if I mention it one more time, she might actually kill me. And God forbid if I ever see her angry again.

"No, but I'm really serious, Des. If I could, I definitely would." I gave her the most serious stare I could muster.

She laughed at me and patted the top of my short honey-colored hair—placating me as if I was a dog. I felt my face scrunch up, and my glasses hit the middle area between my eyebrows. I never did know what that spot on a person's head was called.

"Oh, Penn, if you want an adventure so much, maybe you should just go on a trip. We could go together!" she grinned. "I wouldn't mind getting out of CC for a little. Yeah? So, what do you say?"

I shook my head, still laughing at Des's proposal. "No, it's not the same. I just... want to feel like I'm making a difference, I guess."

Des sobered up and put an arm around my shoulders. "And one day, you will." She smiled, squeezing me tightly. "You'll become a world-renowned author and I'll be the next big fashion designer! It'll be perfect. We can go have real adventures all the time when that happens."

"Yeah, that's true." I beamed. "We'll go to every state and every country!"

"Well, not every state." Des mentioned. "But yes. Definitely, cherie."

"Sorry," I whispered, nearly forgetting that Des doesn't want to be anywhere near Louisiana.

She moved from New Orleans to Cardinal City. She told me her family disinherited her. In a way, she was kind of like me. Want and necessity driving her out on her own. Des never told me exact details about what happened, and I never pushed it. Sometimes we all need to keep things hidden until we're ready to reveal them to the universe.

"It's alright," she shrugged and released her grip on me. "Oh, Penn, is it not time for you to go to work?"

I looked towards the clock, realizing the time. "Ah, man!" I yelled, scrambling to gather my bag.

Right before I ran out the door, I heard Des's muffled laughter as she said, "Have fun, Petite!"


I all but shoved people out of my way as I ran to POW!.

POW! is the only decent comic shop in Cardinal City, and my absolute favorite place to be when I'm not at home with Des or in the library. Not to mention, it's so cool! I was surprised that Mr. Powers even called me for an interview. I had applied to a million and one places in CC before he gave me a ring.

I slammed the door open, and the bell jingled traitorously. I tried to straighten myself out and lower the sound of my wicked embarrassing wheezing as I noticed who was staring at me from the counter.

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