Chapter Nine: Reflection

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My alarm clock screeched at me like the apartment was on fire. I glared at it as I reminded myself that it was only doing its job. But that didn't make my desire to toss it against the wall lessen by much.

Closing my eyes again, I reached for my glasses with my sore arm. I expected it to throb and ache, and cause me endless minor suffering for a day or two, but funny enough, it wasn't sore anymore. In fact, it felt fantastic! It was like I never slammed it against one of the lab doors.

When I put my glasses on, my vision became blurry. "What the hell?" I mumbled. "Is my prescription up?"

I pulled them off and realized that my eyesight was perfect. I didn't need to squint to see. Everything was crystal clear. I could see exactly what time it was from across the room. All the colors around me were more vibrant. More alive.

I grinned. "Today's going to be awesome!"

Quickly, I got up and shut off my alarm.

Just as I was about the open the door, my heart missed a beat, and I let out a little scream. I paced around my room, starting again from the bed before I headed towards my door once more. In the mirror was someone else. A different me. Correction. It wasn't me at all. That was the problem.

I locked my door and stared at myself. I was about three or so inches taller—which I didn't mind except everything else about me was different too. My short honey-blonde hair was now long and chestnut. My eyes were now fully green, but not like Hulk green. Green like grass after a rainstorm. My skin was still fair, but that seemed to be the only thing that was the same. Even my face was different. There were slight similarities, but I was someone else completely. My body was leaner, yet I could see some muscle definition. But at the same time, I looked delicate.

For a moment, all I could think about was that song from Mulan, 'Who is that girl I see staring straight back at me? Why is my reflection someone I don't know?'

"What the hell happened to me?" I whispered to myself.

Even my voice was different! It sounded more alluring, seductive almost. Where was this on my date with Colin!?

I jumped as Des knocked on my door. "Penn? Is everything ok?" she jiggled the door handle. "What's going on? I heard a scream."

"Oh," I pretended to cough. "Des, don't worry about me. I'm feeling really sick. I think I'm going to stay home today." I coughed more, hoping she bought it.

"Oh, no." The concern in her voice instantly made me feel bad for lying, but what else could I have done? This is weird. Even for me. "Do you want me to stay home with you, Petite? Let me in so I can see if you have a fever."

"No!" I cleared my throat. "It's ok, Des. Go to class. Don't miss anything on my account. I'll be fine. I'm just going to sleep and eat soup all day. Boring sick people stuff."

"Mmm... I don't know, cherie."

"Don't worry. I'll call out from POW! today. Promise." I gritted my teeth, hoping this would be enough to make her mother bear tendencies disappear for a day.

There was silence on the other side of the door before she torturously dragged out her words. "Alright, but promise to call if anything, yeah?"

"Definitely." I agreed quickly.

Was it too quickly? Did she notice? Am I acting like a total lunatic, right now? Breathe, Penn. Breathe!

"Alright, feel better, ma amie."

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