Chapter Seventeen: Pot Calling the Kettle

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I couldn't sleep last night.

I kept waiting for Des to come home, but she never showed. This is so not like her.

I went into her room just as I finished putting on my shirt. The room was clean, the bed was made, and there was no sign of Des ever being here for a second yesterday.

Well, now I know how she feels when I disappear on her. I frowned as concern made my head throb. She wasn't answering her phone—which means something is up. If only I knew what. I've been so worried about me, that I really didn't give Des the time of day. God, I'm such an idiot.

"That's it, I'm going to search for her." I told myself.

It only makes sense. I'm going to be out anyway. I might as well be on the lookout for my best friend. Ooh, is she getting the yelling of a century when I find her—assuming, of course, nothing is wrong. Well... maybe even then.

With that decided, I walked out of my apartment with determination and fervor. Unfortunately, I didn't get too far down the hall before I found myself stopping in front of Jack and Gavin's door.

Gavin... Images of Tempest rescuing Gavin flew through my mind. I raised my fist to knock, but before I could, someone was opening the door.

"Penn?" Jack's shock was electrifying.

"Uh... hi, Jack." I looked down at my feet for a moment. 

Wait... why the hell am I doing that?

Probably because the second I laid eyes on him, his super personal conversation with me from a few days ago flashed through my head. That's right... Jack is... in love with someone. Not that it matters much.

"Did you need something?" he waited for me to answer.

I shook my head and looked up at him. "No, I just came to visit Gavin is all."

"Oh." He sounded off with that one syllable word, but before I could say anything about that, he moved on. "That's good. Gavin had a crazy night yesterday. It's nice of you to come over and support him."

"A crazy night?" I asked innocently.

"Big time. I'll let Gavin tell you about it though. I have to run. See you in class, Penn." Then before I could say anything more, Jack was hightailing it out of the hallway.

I stared after Jack. I wonder where he's going. To spend time with the girl he was talking about, maybe? My brows furrowed. Whatever, it's not like it's my business. I thought, but for some reason, I was a little more curious than usual. It's not like it's the first time I've seen Jack dating, but this time around... I shook my head Focus, Penn. You're here for Gavin, not Boy Genius. Get your life together! With that thrilling pep talk in mind, I walked into their apartment.

"Penn?" I looked over at Jojo—Gavin's boyfriend. His hair was blond and shaggy unlike Gavin's—whose was black and shaved. Jojo had the biggest puppy blue eyes and dimples you could eat out of. You just know your love life sucks when you're jealous of your friend's boyfriend.

"Jojo, hey. How's it been? I haven't seen you in forever!" I went over to give him a hug.

"That's true. We need to hang out some time." He smiled.

"Oh, definitely. In the meantime, though, how's Gavin?"

"Ooh, come see for yourself." Jojo gestured towards Gavin's room. "He can't stop talking about that superhero girl. You know the one, right? Tempest, I think it was."

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