Chapter Twenty-One: Murky Darkness

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I sighed happily as I felt someone lightly push my arm back and forth. I was covered by my warm and fluffy comforter, and my pillows were just trying to lull me back to dreamland with their softness. And even though my eyes weren't open, I could feel the sunlight shining on my face.

I could also feel someone sitting next to me, and I smiled as I turned to look at my roommate. Only... it wasn't Des.

"Morning, sleepyhead. You ever going to get up?"

I nearly hopped out of my bed as I used my blanket like a towel to hide my body from Jack's gaze. What the—

"Whoa." He gave a slight chuckle. "I didn't think you could move that fast, Penn. Especially in the morning."

This can't be happening...

I reached over to my nightstand to grab my glasses. But before I could reach them, he snagged them. "Looking for these?" he teased, giving my glasses a little shake.

"You know I am." I glared. "Give them." I put my hand out, waiting for my glasses. Dear, goodness, I needed to make sure I wasn't seeing things. Actually, I seriously hoped that I was seeing things. This is just... well... freaky.

Jack laughed before he said, "Alright, alright, but only because your pouty face is so cute." He looked at me for a second before he smirked and placed my glasses in my hand.

"Finally, thank you." I stuck my tongue out at him.

When I grasped my glasses, Jack seemed to refuse to let them go completely.

"What the—" Before I could get another word out, Jack leaned in and kissed me! HE kissed ME!

My body was literally failing me as I dropped my glasses and found myself wrapping my arms around him. He pulled me closer, and I couldn't help but kiss him back. And I swear, for a second, I felt like I saw through space and time. Jack's kiss was tender yet firm and left me in a cyclone of feelings I couldn't possibly explain with words. Which, really, is quite sad when I think of my position as a writer.

After a few more seconds, I caught my bearings. I pushed him off me, put on my glasses, and touched my lips. "What do you think you're doing?" I could barely look at him as I whispered.

Why the hell am I whispering!? I should be screaming! But... a part of me didn't feel that way. A part of me remembered Jack the way he was with Felicia, and that's exactly how he was acting now—kind and considerate. Cute and lovable.

He looked at me, puzzled. "Um, Penn, are you feeling ok? You're acting weird. Well, weirder than normal." Jack revealed a warm smile that left me questioning what alternate universe I entered.

"What are you doing here?" I slid back a little to keep some distance between us.

"Ok, you definitely hit your head last night." His concern was completely genuine. He sighed before he answered me. "You asked me to stay, remember?"

I shook my head, hard. "I would never do that."

I've never seen Jack look so confused. "Penn," he lifted his hand up near my face.

I pushed back so hard that I fell off my bed and onto the floor.

"Penn!" Jack stood up to help me.

Before he could get to the other side of the bed, I all but jumped up and ran out my door. For some reason, it was dramatically darker in my hallway than it was in what used to be my sanctuary. This is too weird! Just as I got to my living room, I crashed into Des.

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