Chapter Sixteen: Bulletproof

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Stopping petty crime was starting to get annoying, and yet, that same exhilaration that I feel when I jump from rooftop to rooftop kept me going. One of the things that bugged me most was the fact that I kept ruining perfectly good jeans and hoodies in the process. Man, I really should have taken that reward money back then. Obviously, something has got to give.

It's time for a battle costume!

Which, believe you me, makes me want to jump for joy! However, what should it look like? What if it doesn't accommodate my needs in a fight? And even more importantly, who should make it!? That genie-Flubber changed, and probably, improved a lot of things about me. However, my sewing skills was not one of them.

I know I have a perfectly fabulous fashion designer sitting on the couch in my apartment eating sweet, gooey chocolate chip cookies at this very second, but I can't drag Des into this mess. Although, I am starting to lean that way. Des is the greatest friend anyone could ask for, and it's been eating me up inside to keep such a huge secret from her.

Would she understand? Or am I just going to plummet face first into rejection? Well... it's not like I'm not used to that.

I sighed as I crawled into my window—which is a difficult window to climb. There's this six-inch wide ledge that would make a ballerina cringe if they had to tiptoe across it. Now add combat boots to that and tell me it's easy. 

After I safely made it to the floor, I glanced over at my alarm clock. It was exactly 3:17 a.m. and I was beat—and I mean that both physically and mentally. The time to crocodile wrestle with this problem was not now. In fact, I need to worry more about seeing Kate and Elton.

I've been ignoring them for a few days now—ever since our little fight about my state of being. It was time to woman up and figure out what else was going on with Tempest.

That is, closer to noontime.

I dearly miss my bed! I sighed contently as I let the comfort of my sheets take me away.


When I finally got up, Des was gone for the day. It was Saturday, so I wasn't entirely sure where she could have gone. I didn't even find a note on the fridge.

Weird. She's probably at Artsy. I thought, and then smiled. Well, at least I don't have to make up some phony excuse to sneak away to be Tempest today.

That's right. I could just leave and come back later tonight. It'll just be like Des and I missed each other throughout the day.

Quickly, I got dressed, and decided to spend the first half of my day not as Felicia or Tempest, but as just regular ol' Penn Benson. Believe it or not, I had a life before all this hero stuff. Granted it wasn't much of one, but you take what you can get.

Once I grabbed my wallet and keys , I headed towards POW!. I missed my sanctuary. And while it seems like I'm always there, it hasn't felt that way to me. Lately, my thoughts have been wandering. Itching even to go out and help the citizens of CC.

I shrugged away the thought as I headed out the door.


When I got to POW!, I took comfort in the smell of comic books and coffee. I looked around at the familiar set-up, and all but molested the giant poster announcing POW's annual comic con within the upcoming weeks. I wasn't sure who our special guest was going to be this year, but I just know whoever it is will blow. My. Mind.

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