Chapter Eight: 007

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If sulking had a record, I beat it. Des kept asking me how the date with Colin went, but every time I went to tell her, I felt the need to bang my head violently against the wall. Our goodnight was just so... unbearably humiliating!

How could I have mistaken the signal!?HOW!?

"Petite," Des started. "It is ok if it did not go well. At least, you had your chance, yeah?"

"But you don't understand..." I whined. "It was perfect! Amazing, in fact, but then..."

"But then...?" she gave me an enquiring look.

"I leaned in..."

"Uh, huh?" she smirked.

"...and he leaned back...."

I stared at Des through one eye in my embarrassment.

"Oh." She said, giving me a sympathetic look. "Well, maybe he did not notice, cherie." Des came over to give me a hug. "When do you see him again?"

"Tomorrow... if I'm lucky." I mumbled sardonically.

"I bet he didn't notice." Des tried to cheer me up. "Tomorrow, you'll find out. If everything is normal, you're good!"

"I guess." I groaned just before I headed towards my classes.

God, I hope this day ends soon.


Surprisingly, Jack didn't speak a word to me as he sat down. He barely even gave me a glance. Weird.

"Hey, Einstein." I called. "Do you know the answer to number twelve? I couldn't for the life of me figure it out."

"Huh?" he asked, looking down at the paper. "Oh, it's the greenhouse effect."

"Thanks," I replied, watching him carefully as I wrote down the answer. "So, what's wrong with you?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You're all... quiet. It's eerie. I feel like any second a bucket of slime is going to fall on my head." I looked up and around as if saying those words would actually put me in the middle of a kid's game show.

"Just don't feel much like talking today." He told me curtly.

"Jeez, fine." I rolled my eyes at him. "Don't have to get all pissy on me."

He glanced over at me before mumbling, "Sorry," But then, after a minute or so, he started up again. "Penn?"

"Yeah?" I asked, smiling at the lack of '-elope.'

"About yesterday—never mind." He cut himself off.

I looked at him suspiciously. "What?"

"It's nothing. Forget it."


"Alright, everyone. Let's get started! It's exciting stuff today." Professor Maxwell announced.

I glared at Jack. He knew stuff like that drove me crazy. For the rest of class though, he didn't speak to me—with the exception of helping me on a few course-related questions. But as soon as Professor Maxwell released us from class, Jack left without a wave goodbye.

"Seriously?" I mumbled to myself. "Leaving me hanging like that. That's just cold." I pouted, contemplating while all the men in my life are determined to make me miserable this week. 

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