First day of school

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This part will mostly focus on the new students of the school. Leon will be the main character of this part.

Leon thought she was prepared for school. He was really nervous about that. He got his backpack and followed her elder sister Nita to school. Grandma'am kissed them goodbye at the door and watched them leaving home.

Nita was one year older than Leon, and she attended school a year before Leon did. To attend school, students must be 12 years old or older. Leon was 12 years old now, so he is able to go to school.

Grandma'am and Nita described the school in different ways. Grandma'am had been a nurse in the school, but she retired and stopped working there this year. She thought that the staff there were really kind and polite, but what Nita said is the opposite. She said that the teachers are rude. "Especially Mr Bozanna (students called him Bo), (Yes, you might know that Bo is Leon's and Nita's father, but Leon and Nita was told by Grandma'am that their father died before. Interesting? I'll tell you why in the next chapters)" Nita said. "He is extremely rude to students. He likes to punish students and give them detention. Every student hates him. He was my class teacher last year, and he gave me 15 times of detention. Poor Penny, she's my classmate, she once accidentally knock down Mr.Bo, and she was suspended from school for a month!"

Leon was scared. He wished that Mr. Bozanna wouldn't be his teacher. Nita said," There is 50% Bo will be your class teacher, if not, it's Mr. P, a teacher who likes to wear a penguin costume. He's not good too, he blames you for everything even though it is his fault."

Leon was hopeless, he knew both of the Form 1 teachers were bad and rude. He wanted to relax and stopped thinking about that, so he whistled. 

Nita said, "You better stop whistling at school." She took out the student's handbook, and pointed to a list of rules. "There. I'll read. Students are forbidden to whistle at school, unless your music teacher gives you permission." Leon asked, " Who will be my music teacher this year?" "Probably Mrs. Poco, yes. By the way, I've heard that Mrs. Poco's son is 12 years old this year. I am sure he attend school! His guitar skills are amazing. If you have any problems about music, just ask Poco, he will help you and give you answers...... Hey, look up, that's our school!" 

Leon looked up and was amazed. The school was on top of a mountain, and it was big, like a castle. Leon said," Wow it is amazing!" Nita said, "Not really, you need to walk up the stairs, which makes you really tired. You may take the lift, but it is really dirty. There are many cockroaches and pests. I suggest you not to take the lift. But first we need to take the boat across the river to the bottom of the hill."

The siblings took a ride on the boat. Leon was sleeping on the boat. When they arrived, Nita took the stairs, but Leon insisted to take the lift. So, they separated. 

Leon went to wait for the lift. He was happy as no one was waiting for it, and he was the first to wait. Other students came, and stared at him. They whispered to each other. One of them talked too loudly and Leon heard what he said, " He's an idiot. Hahaha he takes that lift." 

Ding Dong. Leon stepped into the lift. He saw cockroaches there. Mice were everywhere. He regretted taking the lift. He thought, " Those people are right! Nita is right. I should've listened to them." Just then he heard, " Level 1, Junior Quarters, please take your belongings and leave." The door opened and he stepped out of the lift.

"Nice journey, eh?" Nita laughed. 

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