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(In the underground room of the robot base)


"Master, I've already found a lot of Mythics and Legendaries. They are the most smartest among the brawlers, and they are supposed to have a high IQ level!" The sniper robot explained.


"I'm sorry master, they must have pressed the wrong button. They should press the cobalt blue button, but most of them pressed the Light Blue Button. One of the brawlers even pressed the Self Destruction Button."

"HOW COME THEY CAN MAKE THIS MISTAKE? WHAT'S WRONG WITH THEIR BRAIN???" He shouted so loudly that the sniper and the other 2 robots covered their ears with their hands. The boss continued," Puncher, I assign you the role of Brawler Trainer. Sniper is not fit for the job."

The punching robot thanked the boss and went out. 

The third robot asked," Master, why do you hate the park so much?"

"It was a long story. A long, long story. Fifty years ago.....

On 12th August, 1969. That was the most tragic day of my life. I was still a 6-year-old boy, studying in the Starr School. That day my mother, father, grandfather and my younger brother visited the park to play. I was really busy because I had to finish my mechanic and robotic homework, so I stayed at home. They were supposed to arrive home at 8 pm. However, they did not come back. I waited for so long, the clock struck 12, it's midnight, but still they haven't came back. I turned on my radio, and heard that an accident happened at the roller coaster in Starr Park. My parents, grandfather and my brother died. Approximately 70 people died. Two are alive, one wearing the green hoodie, and one holding to her favourite red teddy bear....."

The sniper robot asked," That is Leon and Nita! How come they are still so young? Fifty years had passed already!"

The boss said," I felt strange too. Someone said that they had the power to travel through time, someone said they went into hibernation. Someone also thinks that brawlers cannot get old, their age will never change. For example, if Leon was 8-year-old on that day, he will remain 8 years old forever. Another example if Dynamike was 78 on that day, he remains 78. Everyone have their own explanations. However, Starr Park staffs never reveal the truth. So it is still a mystery to be solved. Alright, lemme finish my story. Many families of the deceased protested, they wanted to know how did the people died, what happened, when did it happened, who is responsible, are there any compensation. No, Starr Park staff never tells us the truth. We protested for a lot of months. Some protested gave up, some died from depression, some committed suicide. When I grew up, I demanded the staff to explain, but then all of them kept the mouth shut, they wouldn't want to let the cat out of the bag. I was furious, I went home and created you three (Sniper, Puncher, Mouse), and prepared for revenge. I HATE STARR PARK. I WILL DESTROY IT!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2020 ⏰

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