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Mr Mortis shouted, "Oh! The update is here."

Leon was puzzled, and asked, "What? What update?"

The girl sitting next to her, who was Jessie Junker, told him, "According to myths, a company named Supercell controls and owns this park, even the school. Every one or two months, Supercell will release an update, including new Brawlers, or buffs, or even nerfs. On the update day, there will be a storm and somebody call them maintenance break, I dunno why. After the storm ends, the new brawler arrives. Also, according to the school rules, when the maintenance break starts, the teachers must stop teaching, and are required to play a video called the Brawl Talk. So now Mr Mortis is playing the Brawl Talk."

On the screen, two people were talking. "Hello and welcome to Brawl Talk," The big guy said, "I'm Frank," and the other guy said, "and I'm Ryan." He continues, " We have new skins, new environment, balances changes and last but not least a new brawler." (I'm not going to write down all the things in the update.)

"... but don't worry Mortis is getting some buffs." Mortis was delighted and began laughing.

"but last but not least, we nerfed Leon," Leon was really depressed, and people were cheering him up.

"and in the mid of the month, we are going to introduce Gene."  

"Finally it ended, no wait, Gene can pull others to himself, wow it's OP." Jessie exclaimed.

"But I'm getting a nerf," Leon said, "Also, I'm not getting any skins."

After an hour, the storm ended and the students were free to go outdoors. They met the new brawler Gene, who cannot talk normally like other brawlers, except Frank, Tara and also the muted brawlers, Spike and Darryl (Darryl doesn't have a voice at that time.)

Leon was sitting at the corner of the Junior's Playground. Suddenly, he heard a teacher say, "What is wrong with Mr P,  he's not coming to work forever!" A teacher said.

"Does Mr Max know why?" another teacher said, Leon looked up and realized the speaker was Mr Mortis.

"No. So now Mr Max is calling every teacher for a meeting! We have to tell Boss about that later." 

The teachers walked way and Leon was curious, so Leon followed them to the Meeting Room.

"Hello Mr Bull and Mr Mortis, please sit." Mr Max welcomed them. They sat down and listened to Mr Max.

Mr Max took out a piece of paper, there are words written on it. He said, "I asked Mr P why, but he refused to answer." He readed aloud the words on the paper, "

Dear Mr Max

I'm sorry I couldn't answer your question. 

Yours sincerely,

Mr P

**A penguin photo** "

"He's strange, why won't he tell us? Is this related to the Boss? Whatever, I'm going to invite him to our next meeting so at that time we can force him to tell us the truth."

Leon was standing outside the room, listening to what Mr Max said.

"What do you guys think?"

Mr Bozanna said, "Headmaster, I think it's ok. I also wanna tell you someone is eavesdropping," Bo is really excellent at hearing things that ordinary people couldn't. "Should we tell him to go away?"

"Oh really?" Mr Max said.

Leon used his super and he became invisible. Mr Bo and Mr Mortis came out from the room. Mr Bo has good eyesight and he was using his star power (Circling Eagle), which lets him see further into the grass and he can see invisible brawler within the star power range. Mr Bo found out the eavesdropper was Leon and stared at him, right at him.

You might notice that Mr P was added into the game in Jan 2020, but the story now happens in Feb 2019. So who is Mr P? What is his real identity?

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