First Wave (Part 1)

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Gene followed the robot to their base. He was amazed when he saw so many of the staff and students from Brawl School joined the force.

The robot introduced them to Gene. First he pointed at two guys, one with a shovel and one with a hammer, " The shovel guy is Mortis (Gene thought, Mr Mortis is a teacher, how come he also betrayed?), he wants more money so he joined. And the hammer guy is Frank, he wants a normal and proper voice, same as you, isn't it?"

The robot pointed at a cactus who sneezes every 3 seconds because of allergy, and every time he sneezes, spikes fly out, "This is Spike, he is allergic to almost everything, so don't sit too close to him. He wants a voice, you know, he's muted."

The robot introduced Bull, Darryl, Rico, Tara and Crow one by one.

After introducing the brawlers, he said, "Hello guys, come here, it's a pleasure to have all Mythics here (at that time only Gene, Mortis and Tara), let's give ourselves a round of applause." Almost everyone clapped. "However, we only have 2/3 Legendaries, so if we get Leon, this is a sure win. Anyone here is Leon's friend?" he asked. No one answered. "Ok, I think I might need to do it myself, it's alright. So let's plan for the first wave. I have a plan and I want you to tell me anything to change or improve. We will attack the first time on 15/4, which is the update day, yes, during the storm..."

Mr Mortis interrupted," But Master, it is very dangerous to walk outdoors during the storm!"

The robot said, "I know but you will be given a "taxi" ride, you will sit in your personal enormous robot. However, you guys need to do training and learn how to use all the buttons, is it ok?"

The other brawlers were thrilled to control the robot.



"Guys remember what those buttons do when they are pressed, don't press the wrong button. Also, remember to persuade the new brawler to join our force, we need more brawlers."

"I am giving you this operation manual, read the instructions and the safety percautions carefully. Thank you. Good luck, and you might go."

(On the manual)

Joystick on the left: Move (Robot walk)

Green button: Robot walks faster 

Red button: Robot stops

Ocean Blue button: Turn on water-proof mode

Yellow button: Turn on Shield mode

Pink button: Turn on the BPS (Brawl Positioning System)

Black button: Call Boss Bot

Orange button: Open robot door

Dark Forest Green Button: Robot lasers

Sky Blue Button: Robot dash

Light Green Button: Robot punch

Pale Orange Button: Robot hammer

Brown Button: Robot upgrade (Angry/ Furious/ Enraged/ Boss Mode), cooldown 40s

Purple Button: Silent mode (Walk silently)

Cobalt Blue Button: Turn on BWSM (Bad Weather Safety Mode)

Light Blue Button: Shut Down robot

Hello readers, thank you so much for reading this story. The remaining part of the story will be more and more interesting!!!

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