sweet creature

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pairing: wifithazine

in which jahmier finally discovers who's been stealing his belongings. neko!isaiah


if there was any way that jahmier could solve his problems, it was by shooting, and i do mean literal shooting. if there was an inconvenience in his life, he reached for his gun before anything else. his motto was "shoot now, think later", and it truly showed.

he would've solved his current problem the same way, if only he knew who, or what to shoot at this time around.

for the past couple of weeks, jahmier would return home from his job to see things in his home slightly ajar. not to a disasterous proportion, but enough to where you could tell that someone or something had been tampering around with things.

he'd come back to find that some of his clothes were missing and that the window in his bedroom had been forced open, or he'd enter his kitchen and find empty snack wrappers and a trail of crumbs leading up to nothing. it was between a rat problem or unintentional sleepwalking at this point, and neither option really made sense.

for starters, a rat couldn't possibly steal an entire hoodie by itself, nor could it prepare snacks for itself, so that was out of the question. it had to be an actual human who was slipping into his home when he was away, but why?

why would anyone put so much effort into robbing him blind if they weren't even going to take any important shit? all they wanted was....light snacks and random articles of clothing? of course, jahmier was glad that whoever this was didn't slip away with any of his valuables, but why?

were they trying to call him broke or something? he should've shot them just for that, he thinks.

when he got home from his job that evening, things were no different. he locked the front door behind him and flipped on the living room light, noticing that things weren't that different than he left them when he left for work, so far so good. 

however, when he walked through the narrow hallway leading up to his bedroom before pushing the door open and turning the light on, he noticed that the room was a hot mess, a far cry from the way he left it before he went to work.

for starters, his bed, which he always made right after he got up for the day, was a complete mess, with the sheets and blankets strewn all over the queen sized mattress. the window on the other side of the room was cracked open as well, as evidenced by the light draft that hit jahmier's skin causing him to get goosebumps. 

to top it all off, there was also an empty tuna can on his nightstand - again, something that a human obviously had to have done, as no animal could possibly use a can opener by themselves. 

jahmier picked up the tuna container and knit his brows together confusedly, "what the fuck? what kind of weird ass nigga just eats tuna by itself?" he asks rhetorically, turning around and heading towards the kitchen to throw the empty container away.

surprisingly, there weren't many signs of his visitor in the kitchen like there always is. aside from the obvious usage of the can opener to obtain the tuna, there wasn't anything else in the kitchen that needed cleaning up, which jahmier was thankful for. he worked a hard, long shift and he almost shot a couple of karens that day for getting smart with him. what he needed right now was rest and relaxation.

after getting rid of the tuna can, he retreated back to his bedroom, stripped down to his boxers, and sprawled across his bed, not even bothering to make his bed back up before sleeping in it once more. he was too tired for all of that.

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