Chapter Ten

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Jerome woke first out of all three. He could see the sky starting to brighten, and Mitch asleep in front of him asleep,  gripping his hand. He must have gotten scared during the night.

He found it cute. But he had to wake him up if he wanted to get the plan started.

"Miiiitch. Wake up dood."

Said Canadian groaned, gripping his hand tighter. "Mh..."

"Miiiitch." Jerome scooted closer to him, til his face was very close to Mitch's.

At that time, the Benja opened his eyes and stared into coffee irises. The drowsy adoration radiating from the canadian's gaze was enough to make Jerome's stomach flip.


"Morning, Sleeping Beauty."

Mitch laughed, blushing madly. He sat up before he did something he  could regret. Like kissing him right then and there.

"Wake Tyler up, we gotta get moving." He said, stretching and reaching over to their chest of food.

Secretly, Jerome wished that Tyler wasn't there. And that he had leaned a little closer.


The facility was humming with activity, guards patrolling both on the walls and down below on the ground. The groan of zombies were also prominent as they shuffled around the perimeter.

It only rose to a fever pitch as a couple of guards escorted the three men through the gates. Tyler lead them both with rope, yanking when they struggle against their bounds. Their escorts didn't stay with them as they entered the building, filing back to their assigned positions. Now they were alone, Tyler released the two boys.

"There's a bathroom around the corner, use it." Tyler ordered. He also handed their weapons back before running off to find a patrol guard. Meanwhile, the duo followed his orders and trekked to the bathroom, cramming into a stall together. There was little space to move, much less to breathe as they waited for the return of Tyler.

"Jerome, I...I need to get something off my chest. Just in case something goes wrong." Mitch whispered, listening for anybody to come in. He wanted to wait til after they had him changed back, but the thought of something going wrong and one of them getting hurt-- or worse, turned into a pawn of Jeanine's-- was swirling around in his head and he didn't want him to go without saying anything.

"Yeah?" Jerome looked expectantly at Mitch, heart thudding in his chest. Please let him be saying what I think he's saying.

From here, Mitch didn't know how to continue. He wasn't a man of words, he thought actions spoke so much more. So he did the only thing he could think of.

He leaned in as close as he dared, staring into Jerome's eyes with as much passion and intensity as he could muster. Their mouths were mere inches apart, and it could only take a small movement of his head for their lips to connect. But he was so unsure-

"Jerome? Mitch?"

Mitch, panicking, pecked his lips against Jerome at the sudden exclamation. Both eyes widened at the gesture.

"We're talking about this when we get home!" Jerome mouthed, face flushing. As much as he would love to return the kiss himself, they had a mission. And it was kind of time sensitive. Nevertheless, he grabbed Mitchell's hand and pulled him out of the stall.

"Here! Leggo!"

The trio, two flustered to the nether and back, scrambled out of the room. Tht ran as fast as they could,  sneaking around any and all patrols they came across. They finally happened upon the main lab.

"This is where I leave you. Get the essence and brew the potion." Tyler commanded. "Five minutes! Go!"

Mitch nodded, and shook hands with the teen. "Thank you."

They both snuck into the lab, which was strangely empty. Already, Jerome could feel something off abour the room. As if an expectant atmosphere had settled around them.

They turned towards the middle, and Jerome noticed the huge chamber holding the shimmery essence. Cautiously, they investigated the panel of switches and buttons in front of it.

Mitch pressed a button, and the chamber opened. Jerome took the liberty of grabbing the essence, looking down at it in wonder.

For something that came from a creature notoriously known for being ugly, it looked beautiful. It was a glass orb,  and inside, reds and browns and ebony twirled and mixed together. Around it's outside,  the familiar purple aura of something enchantedwashed over its surface.


All at once,  a group of zombies grabbed Mitch and pulled him away. He struggled in their grip, eyes gleaming in fear. He couldn't reach his sword, stashed behind his back.

"Biggums!" He cried desperately.

Jerome spun around, seeing his friend in possesion of the things they hated most. "Mitch!"

"Jerome! I LO- Grrrr...."

They had bit him, and Jerome watched as his skin turned green and his eyes red. His perfect smile turned yellow and rotten, and his hair became messy and unkempt. Jerome's stomach dropped to his feet as the eyes he had fallen in love with turned towards him.

Hatred burned inside it's gaze.

Jeanine walked in from the shadows. A potion bottle was in her hands, filled with a blue shimmery liquid. Her mouth curved into a confident smile.

"Jerome. We meet again."

(Fyi, let me know if you guys want the rest of the chapters posted today. I finished them yesterday so.)

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