The Neko Rises

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It's been a year since Izuku was announced dead. It may sound grim, but it was the truth. He had colonised Dagobah beach. It was a long three days, but he managed, nonetheless. He had to do some heavy lifting, moving lots of trash and slipping in the sand, making a little grove right in the middle of the piles of trash.

He had somehow found a storage container when he was making said grove. "Welp I found my home." Were his first thoughts when he saw it.

He also found many different types of discarded furniture. From tables to couches to lamps and beds. Basically, he took everything he found and shoved it into his new home.

Although he didn't go back to school he managed to stay atop his studies from discarded textbooks. He also was able to salvage a laptop. With all the spare time he had he trained. He needed to be in peak physical strength to become a hero despite his quirkless status. He ran around the beach at least twice a day, practiced parkour by jumping from different trash piles, trained in martial arts by watching videos and started practicing with his homemade weapons.

He also picked up a job at the local cat café as the persona Mikumo Akatani. When he was Mikumo he wore his black wig with dark blue contacts. He usually covers up his freckles, being the most defining thing of Izuku.

He quickly befriended the staff and customers. The cats also loved him.

Well at least this was his life during the day...

When the sun falls behind the horizon Izuku will dawn his forest green cloak. For when the night falls, he becomes the Neko of the night. Over time Izuku came to realise that he would never make it as a normal hero. He decided to be a hero in his own way.

He became a vigilante. One of the best. The Neko as most people call him, wore his forest green cloak with his classic red boots. He had a green utility belt with red accents placed upon his hips. And lastly, his beautiful kitsune mask. The last thing his mother gave him. He really missed her.

Today was patrol night. It had been a little over a year since he started this hobby and ten months until the U.A entrance exams. He knew that he could never make it into the heroics course by the exam, but he could always get transferred via the gen ed course. He knew this because a certain erasure hero. The one who was currently chasing him.

"Give it up Neko! If you come easily your charges might be lowered." Eraserhead stated.

"Eraser, tell me what I've done wrong!" Neko responded while dodging the scarf.

"First of all, illegal quirk usage and assault."

"They hit me first and I never used my quirk!"

It was too early for this.

Eraserhead just sighed, jumping over the rooftops of buildings. Neko certainly was a slippery one. Always avoiding capture. And any time they did manage to capture him to capture him, he would do something insanely stupid to escape. One time he covered the cops in glitter, broke his thumb to get out of the handcuffs then broke a window and jumped out the moving car. They say they still find more glitter in the car.

Still, he didn't give up.

He has been chasing Neko for months now. Ever since the police force had put him on the case he has been getting less and less sleep. But he also realised that Neko is just a child. He looked younger than most of his first years. He really was a problem child.

After some time, they made it to the end of the row of apartments.

"It's the end of the line Neko! Turn yourself over now." Eraser demanded.

"Oh dear. How will I ever escape?" He responded dramatically.

Then he freaking jumps off the roof!

Eraser rushes to the edge of the building, ready to catch him but he disappeared. Like boom! Gone.

Eraserhead was seriously tired.

Well jumping off the roof was a bad idea. For starters he didn't land on his feet, but he instead landed on his arm and god it hurt.

"Welp, something tells me I will not be able to work tomorrow." He told himself.

So, he quickly went back to his home, hoping no one saw him on the way. He hurriedly changed back into his disguise. He sneaked out of the beach and made his way toward the hospital. That was until his favourite hero and customer stopped him.

"What are you doing out so late Akatani?" He asked.

"Well you see I tripped down the stairs and you should know by now that I live alone so I need to see if I broke my arm." Wow very smooth.

"At three in the morning?" Aizawa asked suspiciously.

"I was getting a glass of water and I couldn't be bothered to turn the light on." Let's hope he buys that.

Aizawa sighs. "C'mon I'll take you." Izuku could have sworn he heard him say problem child.

Aizawa left him when they reached the hospital. And Izuku found out that he did indeed break his arm. Badly. After getting his arm fixed, he left and went back home.

It was about 4am when he returned so, he set an alarm and went to sleep.

That's the end!

Now, I have already written this fic on a different platform so just eight chapters are coming out at once so...

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