Who you gonna call? Drugbusters!

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Izuku's alarm went off at 7am and he totally forgot about his arm. Sighing, he reaches for his phone. He scrolled though his contacts, although there weren't many and clicked the icon with a cat.

"Hi and welcome to Lucky Cat café! What can I do for ya?" Asked the cheerful employee.

"Hiya Sachi. Umm can you get Nori on the phone I need to speak to her."

"Sure, thing Mikumo! I'll go get her."

Izuku waits a while until he was met with the pleasant voice of Nori.

"What the hell do you want Akatani?" Nori asked.

"Well you see last night I fell down the stairs and broke my arm so I can't make it to work today."

"Ok that's fine. I hope you get well soon Akatani. But don't take too long otherwise the cats will miss you!"

With that he hung up. What the hell was he going to do? He must go out tonight as Neko, but he can't because of his arm. It was a tough decision, but he had all day.

"Now that I think of it, I did need to upgrade my gloves... I think I can make that work."

So, he gets to work, finding all the materials he needs. Who knew that building something with one hand was going to be this hard? By the time it was finished it was sunset. He sat there on the sand admiring his handywork. It was basically a metal glove painted in his classic green that had retractable claws that shone in the moonlight. The best part about them was that they gave his arms the support they needed.

So, he quickly got changed into his vigilante gear and went out to patrol. There wasn't much going on. Just a few muggings. But then as he was getting ready to head home for the night, he heard of a drug deal going on. So, of course he went to check it out.

It was in a small Wearhouse. Although it didn't look too inconspicuous it housed many thugs. But there were three that stood out. One had scissor hands, another was very big and the last looked like handsome squid ward. (Obviously the most powerful one)

The three were just standing in the only lit part of the Wearhouse. While the thugs were littered around the building, guarding them.

Neko got is Bo staff out and started picking off some of the small-time thugs. One by one they were knocked out and with zip ties around their wrists. To think that there would be better security for this trigger trade.

Soon enough all the thugs were knocked out and all that was left were scissor hands, bulky and squid ward.

To start this battle Neko threw a smoke bomb in the middle of the three, effetely blinding them. Breathing though his air filtered mask, Neko rushes in. Bo staff in hand, he goes for the head of bulky. It was a direct hit but, it wasn't enough to knock him out. They end up in a dangerous dance of punches and dodging, Neko being the winner.

Next, he goes for scissor hands. Deciding on using his new gloves, he brings out his claws. Although his arm was a lot better than last night, it was still sore. He was so caught up in his mind that he didn't realise that he had immobilised the scissors man.

Next up was the most challenging one. Handsome squid ward. He was a surprisingly good fighter. There weren't many openings for him. The flurries of punches and kicks didn't end so soon. Dodging and weaving, ducking and punching. It took a surprisingly long time for Neko to hit a nerve that sent him unconscious.

Feeling happy with his work, he called his favourite detective.

"Hey Tsukauchi! I have some criminals for 'chu <3."

"Ok Neko," He sighed. "the address?"

"Oh, it's xxxx."

"Well I'll see ya later, Tsukauch- "He was cut off by a bang. A warm sensation filled his abdomen. He could vaguely recognise the frantic voice on the other line of the phone.

Black dots clouded his vision, threatening to take it over. A ringing in his ears grew louder and louder until it was the only thing he could hear. All he could see was the smug face of handsome squid ward.

Darkness overtook him.

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