The entrance exam

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It was nearing the end of the school year when Nezu approached him announcing that he would become a teacher's assistant for Aizawa's future class. He will continue to teach his other classes though. Izuku was just happy that he gets to annoy his favourite hero for as long as he has his class.

Izuku has been told the many stories of Aizawa. He has a soft spot for children but is a very harsh teacher, having expelled most of his classes. Izuku couldn't wait to jump out of a vent to scare them. It would be amazing to watch them scream in fear. >:)

Izuku was also informed that every year there is a betting poll as to how long it would take for him to expel the class. Izuku couldn't wait to place a bet. He just needed to see who got into the class first. Izuku could easily tell that he only expelled students that didn't have potential due to the files from last year. They misbehaved a lot.

Anyways it was the day of the entrance exams and Izuku couldn't wait. He had been skimming though some files and saw some amazing quirks listed. Brainwashing was the one that stood out the most. It was such a great quirk! Shinsou (as the file said) could stop crimes before they started, talk people out of suicide and various different things. All in all, Izuku would fight just to get him into the hero course.

So, this is how he finds himself standing outside U.A looking for a certain purple haired individual. There was nothing against the rules that said he couldn't tell him about the rescue points. After his coffee got cold, he saw him. There was still some time before the exam started. Izuku started making his way toward Shinsou. Tapping him on his shoulder, he made his move.

"You're Shinsou right?" Izuku asked.

"Yes. What do you want?" He replied.

"Well I'm a teacher's assistant here at U.A and I couldn't help but look over the forms from the applications for the heroics exam. I must say that your quirk is amazing! This is why I came looking for you. I know that your quirk isn't suited for the exam and you would surely fail so, I came to tell you about rescue points. I hope this helps! Good luck with the exam."

Izuku smiled as he disappeared into the crowd, leaving Shinsou with his mouth agape. He couldn't believe that someone believed in him.

Izuku counted this as a win. He continued onto the staffroom. At least he kept one cup of coffee warm. Aizawa would kill him if him if he left and didn't return with coffee. It was the law of the land return with coffee, you live. Don't and you die.

When Izuku reached the staffroom, he saw the angry caterpillar on the only couch. Izuku snuck into the room placing the coffee Infront of Aizawa. Instantly he shot up, grabbing, and chugging the cup.

"Sometimes I swear you have a coffee sensing quirk." Izuku stated.

"Well I don't, problem child."

Ah, he loved that nickname. It was a newly developed one. Aizawa didn't really know that Izuku was such a problematic child when he took him in. More often than not he found him raiding the fridge when he returned from his patrols and proceeding to kidnap the cats. He still went out as Neko much to his annoyance.

Izuku has thoroughly earnt the nickname.

After some time Izuku and Aizawa left to the observation room. Hizashi was already speaking to the applicants about the exam. Izuku was just excited to see if Shinsou listened to him about the rescue points. Hizashi signalled the start of the exam. Izuku was disappointed that no one rushed off without thinking. There really were no countdowns in real life. So many naïve, innocent minds.

Izuku was very happy when he saw Shinsou helping everyone he could see. He could see Aizawa looking with interest in his eyes. Ooh! He sees potential as well! Izuku thought. It was beautiful when Aizawa got interested in something. He would always have one eye open while the other was closed. The softest smile on his face and a small tear in his eye. The tear would always be the most subtle little thing every but, noticeable none the less.

After the whole fiasco, the zero pointer was realised by a cackling Nezu. You should never anger Nezu when he is like this. The last time that happened hound dog had to go to therapy and he is a legit therapist! Everyone learnt their lesson after that.

The zero pointer was on a direct path to crush an examinee. No one was going to help her. This has happened previous years but this time no one went to help. Getting a sign from Nezu, he slid out of the room and bolted towards the exam grounds. He was lucky that they placed the observation room so close to the exam grounds. That and he was a fast runner.

He arrived within a minute and rushed toward the zero pointer. He quickly scaled up the side of the robot and busted though the maintenance hatch. Finding the main control panel, Izuku initiated the emergency stop procedure. If only it didn't need to be manually disabled. Seriously U.A you spend how much on robots, but you can't make them shut off remotely?

Izuku shakes his head, leaving the giant robot and slipping away from the battlefield exam area.

Welp, that was an eventful day.

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