First day of school

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Ok so it turned out that he would start teaching the next week. You know, start teaching a class in the middle of the year! So, after Izuku got settled in the spare room they left to get all his stuff. Which he had a lot of.

After about 5 car trips later they had emptied most of his small shipping container. Save for the furniture.

"How much stuff do you have problem child?" Aizawa asked.

"Lots!" Izuku smiled.

The next school week came in a flash and Izuku finally got his money off Shinsou. On the weekend Izuku had been making many lesson plans. His classes would be learning of the grey line. Basically, he will be talking about vigilantes and hero laws. Izuku was still happy that he could wear his vigilante costume, but he had another idea. Oh ho! It shall be the best tomfoolery to date! Izuku thought. He already got permission from Nezu.

He can't wait to see the looks on their faces.

So, he hopped in the car with Shou and 'Zashi who were both in their hero uniform. The former looking like he hasn't had sleep in years.

They zoomy over to U.A and Izuku didn't realise how good cars were until now. Although it had been years since he had driven in one. (Besides the numerous car trips to transport his garbage stuff to his new home.)

They finally arrived at U.A and it was a sight to behold.

"Hey, did they intentionally make the front of U.A into a H?" Izuku asked.

"At this point we don't question things anymore." Aizawa responded flatly. "Just ask Nezu. He probably knows."

So, Izuku along with his guardians walked into the school. All in a U.A uniform with his vigilante gear underneath it. It was going to be a great day.

He gets some odd looks when he walked into the staff room, although they vanished when he showed his mask to his fellow teachers.

"You're the infamous vigilante?" Midnight asked. Izuku nodded. "That really turns me on!"

"Nemuri it's too early to be this loud." Aizawa hissed.

"Says the one married to the cockatoo!"

Aizawa just sighed in defeat. You could tell that he was already done with the day. Honestly Izuku was looking forward to his first class. It was at the start of the day, but he still couldn't wait. He was practically bouncing around the staffroom. So, he decided to go over his lesson plans one more time. Soon enough the day started. Izuku made his way towards his classroom.

He slowly approaches the door labelled 2-A, noticing the teacher leaving the room. He stalks over to the door, making his presence as little known as possible. He snuck in successfully, no one looked towards the door.

The only person who noticed him was a blue haired kid with pointed ears although, he was too socially awkward to say anything. Said boy just shifted uncomfortably in his chair. Izuku smiled to himself as he sat in the chair at the back of the room, listening to all the voices and conversations.

Soon enough the bell rang, and the class settled down in their seats, awaiting their new teacher. I am so glad Nezu put an extra chair in here. Izuku thought.

About ten minutes later the class was getting annoyed wondering when the teacher would get there. So Izuku went up to the front of the classroom, getting bored of waiting. Now everyone was confused as to why a green haired child was in their classroom.

"Are you in the wrong classroom?" Asked a Tintin lookalike.

"I assure you that I am in the right classroom!" Izuku replied, grabbing a smoke bomb from his pocket. He quickly threw it at the ground. Once the smoke cleared the vigilante was in his gear. That instantly shut them up. "Hello everyone! I'm your new teacher the vigilante Neko!"

Everyone just seemed shocked, they couldn't believe it.

"Now," Izuku continues. "There was only one person who noticed me when I walked in. I was in here since the bell rang. Being heroes in training you will need to work on that. Any questions?"

Everyone's hands instantly shot up. Izuku calls on a girl with long lilac hair.

"Neko what's your quirk? We really want to know!" She asked.

"What quirk?" Izuku questioned.

The classroom went completely silent. No one expected the vigilante to be quirkless. It seemed near impossible for someone like that to exist. And this was someone who was so powerful in vigilante work. It was great! The looks on their faces was amazing. All of them wide eyed and speechless.

The silence was interrupted by some laughing.

"T-this is priceless!" Neko wheezed. The best part was that Neko had been recording all of it.

"Anyway," He continued. "Let's talk vigilantes. Why are some good and why are some bad?"

It was easily the best class.

Although he kept being bombarded with questions. It wasn't everyday that you have a vigilante as your teacher. They were defiantly going to abuse this power. Eventually Neko had to implement the no off topic questions rule. Meaning that they could only offer questions about what they were learning.

By the end of the lesson Neko was done. Walking back to the staffroom he couldn't help but feel so emotionally tired. He really needed more coffee.

"How was it problem child?" Aizawa asked.

"It was hell. They wouldn't stop asking me questions." Izuku replied.

"Welcome to my world."

Yeah Izuku could tell that it was going to be an interesting year.

I'm getting lazy in putting all these in so like the next few chapters will just have my discord server in the notes ;-;

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