The Licencing exam

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Since he was now teaching at U.A he was required to get a hero license. At first, he was against it, being more than happy to continue being a vigilante. After some convincing (and bribery) he caved in and decided to get his license. Luckily it was on the weekend, so he didn't have to worry about teaching the brats he called students.

During the week before the exam Izuku got some costume upgrades. To start with, it was made using actual materials. Not just some random clothing he found. They did everything from being fireproof to being frostproof. Science truly was amazing.

With his costume was being professionally made Izuku got to work on his weapons. He made his gloves with sturdy materials and metals rather than the flimsy metal he found on the beach. He also decided that he needed a secondary weapon. He couldn't be a one trick pony after all. He made a sleek Bo staff that collapsed when a button is pressed. It was quite high tech in his opinion, having the ability to release different gasses. He even managed to replicate Midnight's quirk!

His claws were like the staff but, instead of it releasing gasses it would be able to fire things from it. Such as fire and an electrical charge. His boots had also been improved. They now had shock absorbers in them and were more durable. Honestly it was great to just have nice clothes again.

His mask has long since been everything proofed. Although he didn't want to replace it, but he had to. He didn't want it to be destroyed mid-battle. It was too special to have it brake so; he got another mask made. It now resides in a display cabinet in his room.

So, Izuku was ready for the exam. He didn't know what he was doing so, he brought the basics. Things such as medical equipment and smoke bombs. They were no doubt going to be working with rescue, but he had to be ready for anything.

Izuku and his little family hopped in the car and started their journey to the exam. 'Zashi was driving meaning that the car was filled with punk rock music from his radio station. Got to remind myself to call up in a disguised voice and ask him about this. Izuku thought. Overall it was a short car ride filled with nerves. He couldn't afford to mess this up. He wished that Pop ⭐Step was there. Even the crawler. (Although he was very dense)

Steeling his nerves, he jumped out of the car. The building was big. There was so many people crowding around the entrance. At least the exam was starting soon. Shou and 'Zashi must have sensed his distress because two strong hands made their way onto his shoulders. Silently they lead him toward the entrance. After some quick signing in he bid his parents guardians goodbye. They would still be watching him though.

They started in a small cramped room, filled to the brim with hero hopefuls. A guy who looked more tired than Shou stood at the lectern at the front of the room.

"Today you will be doing your hero licencing test." He yawned. "The first portion of your test will be villain capture. From simple muggers to full on super villains. You will get points on how many you capture and the difficulty of said villain. Try to keep property damage to a minimum. It will also affect your score. Good luck... You have one hour or until all villains are captured."

With that the walls of the room collapsed, leaving the other heroes at a shock for words. Not Neko though. He was off the second those walls fell, heading straight for the alleyways where most muggers would be. That was what he was the best at. Anyways most people would be going for the super villains. It would be the best if he stuck with his strong suits.

Izuku was very quick and effective when it came to muggings and drug deals. It has been what he was doing for a whole year. After a while he got into a rhythm. Take down the criminal, tie them up, called the fake cops, comforted the victim then left to find the next person to help. After 20 minutes the alarm rang signalling the end of the first portion of the exam.

So, Neko made his way towards the waiting room. It wasn't too far away. After a short stroll to the room he was met with the faces of many different hero hopefuls. Most of them crowded around one in particular. He had long red wings and a beige jacket that was rimmed with white fluff. He wore a yellow visor with headphones upon his head. There were many different people asking him questions so, Neko just walked away not wanting any attentions.

Although fate seemed out for him when the red winged man came over to him.

"Hiya! I'm Hawks and you must be Neko. I'm guessing that you got caught?" The man now named Hawks asked.

"Um... Yes, I am Neko and yes, I was captured recently. They're forcing me to get this license I was honestly I was against it at first but finally agreed to it." Neko replied.

"Well Neko good luck with the exam!" Hawks then leaned in and whispered, "Not like the license will stop you."

He smiled and walked away. Neko stood there kind of confused but shrugged it off when the tired announcer spoke again.

"Now that that's over let's continue on with the next part of the exam." Suddenly all the buildings exploded as shown by a tv screen. The man continued. "You will now do a rescue portion. There will be many civilians that will need to be rescued as well as some more powerful villains that will need to be faced. The exam will conclude when all civilians are rescued. Begin."

Once again Izuku was off. This time he saw Hawks flying off with an incredible speed. Neko made his way to the first pile of rubble. Firstly, he called out, hoping to get a response. When he did get one, he made quick work in removing small bits of rubble that didn't hold the whole thing up. Slowly he unearthed a small child.

"Hello little one, are you hurt anywhere?" He asked.

"M-my head hurts." The child whimpered. "My l-leg also hurts"

"It's all going to be ok. Help is here. Is it ok for me to pick you up?" He received a quick nod and gently picked up the small child, being carful not to jostle his injures further. He made small talk with the child, learning that his name is Takeshi and his favourite colour is aqua. Soon enough he was at the pop-up medical site. He did a quick check up and treated him the best that he could before returning to look for more people.

After finding several more people the exam ended. The villains were defeated, and the civilians were saved. Neko was feeling proud of himself. He did the best that he could and that was enough.

Everybody was rounded up and sent into the middle of the battlefield. Hawks inched closer to him. I think he likes me. Izuku thought. The results were shown on a holographic board and Neko looked to find his name.

After some searching, he found it. He passed. He got max rescue points and plenty of attack points as well. He wasn't a useless Deku. No, he is Neko. A full-fledged hero. Happy tears fell from his eyes. He actually did it.

He could tell Hawks had also succeeded as he was doing a sort of victory dance, raving about how he was going to have chicken tonight.

"Chicken? Isn't that cannibalism?" Neko asked.

"No. I am not a chicken!" Hawks huffed, ruffling his feathers in the process.

"You definitely act like one."

"You know what? I like you." Hawks said before taking out his phone. "Let's keep in contact."

Neko happily agreed, putting in his contact details before leaving to get his license. He still couldn't believe it. He was now officially a pro hero. No longer is he illegal.

He his Neko, the stealth hero.

Discord server lol

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