Izuku now hates hadsome squidward

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Aizawa wasn't expecting much when Tsukauchi called him. He was only worried when he could hear panic in his voice.

"Aizawa, we think Neko has been shot!" Tsukauchi stated haphazardly.

"Where is he?" Aizawa replied, panic in his voice.

"He's at xxxx. Hurry!"

Aizawa quickly hung up, rushing toward the Wearhouse. He was there in record time. There were mostly thugs tied up. There were two others that were there. One with scissor hand and another who was just pure muscle.

It took a while to see Neko bleeding out near the only source of light. Aizawa rushed over to him, grabbing is medical supplies from his belt. He ripped the mask off Neko, applying force to his wound.

He was lucky that an ambulance was coming, he could have been dead otherwise. So, Aizawa was sitting there, clutching a small boy making sure he doesn't bleed to death. After what seemed like an eternity the ambulance arrived with the police.

While the police were properly containing everyone, Aizawa was helping load Neko onto the stretcher. He couldn't go with him, but he wasn't far behind. As soon as he was finished with Tsukauchi he bolted toward the hospital.

He wanted to know if Neko was ok. Who was he and why did he look so familiar? He needed to know if he was ok. Tsukauchi too.

When he arrived, he was informed of his state. Neko had lost a lot of blood due to his injury. He was also told he was doing this all with a broken arm.

He defiantly is a problem child. Aizawa thought.

When Neko was finished in surgery Aizawa went to his hospital room. He pulled out his sleeping bag and hopped inside.

Then he waited.

All Izuku could feel was pain.

Mostly in his arm and abdomen. What crazy stunt did he pull this time?

The he realised that the bed he was on was too soft. There was a soft beeping noise.

The memories of last night hit him like a train.

Oh god he got captured. What was he going to do?

He was obviously panicking because the steady beat of the heart monitor went faster.

He felt something warm hold onto him. Opening his eyes, he was first met with the bright light of the hospital room. Then he caught sight of Eraserhead. Izuku was such a mess.

After some time Izuku had calmed down, Aizawa rubbing circles on his back.

"T-thank you." Izuku whispered.

"It's fine problem child." Aizawa responded.

After the comforting was over Aizawa called the nurse. Then called Tsukauchi. So, after the nurse did the check-up Tsukauchi came in for some questioning.

"So, Neko. What is your name." Tsukauchi asked.

"Hi! I'm Izuku Midoriya and I'm legally dead!" Izuku smiled. "But you might know me as Mikumo Akatani."

He was met with the sweet sound of silence.

"Tsukauchi tell me that wasn't true." Aizawa asked.

"It is true..." Tsukauchi replied.

"So, your telling me that the child who went missing two years ago serves me coffee at the cat café and is Neko."

"I can't believe it either!"

"You guys know I'm still, here right?" Izuku asked.

After answering a few more questions there was a knock on the door. Aizawa goes to open it. At first it doesn't look like there is anyone there but, looking down you can see a rat dog bear thing.

"Ah so you must me Neko! I have a proposition for you!" Nezu said with a grin while Aizawa and Tsukauchi were sweating madly. "I would like you to come teach at U.A!"

"Nezu, no." Aizawa responded.

"Nezu, yes! Anyways, Midoriya do you plan on accepting this offer?"

"I accept." Izuku replied.

After some explanation Izuku was released from the hospital. Although he was forced to stay with Aizawa and his husband. Izuku had a vague idea of who it was. If he was right Shinsou (one of his loyal costumers and friends) would owe him some money.

One quick car drive later they arrive at a small house close to U.A. It was too bright for someone like Aizawa. Izuku's guess was becoming more and more likely. They walked along the small path heading towards the door. Before either of them could open it, it was slammed right open.

In the middle of the door frame was the one, the only present mic.

"I totally guessed it! Toshi owes me." Izuku stated.

"Did you actually bet on our relationship, problem child?" Aizawa responded.

"You bet 'cha!" Izuku just smiled as he let himself inside. "Anyways I need to get my stuff so take me to Dagobah tomorrow. Thank you!"

It looked like he owned the place.

I still can't believe that handsome squidward shot Izuku ;-;

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