Apprehension test

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It was finally the first day of the new school year. The Aizawa-Yamada household was in full swing. The fact that all the residents were teachers worked at U.A was definitely handy. Izuku and Aizawa were already up by the time Hizashi stumbled into the leaving room. Both Aizawa and Izuku were already decked out in their gear and cuddling with the cats.

"How come we need to get up but the cockatoo that has the most prep time not?" Izuku asked Aizawa tiredly.

"No one knows, problem child... No one knows." Aizawa replied, moving his arm vaguely. This was a common occurrence in this household.

Soon enough Hizashi was ready to leave. They all piled into the car and made their way towards the school. As soon as they arrived at U.A they rushed out the car and to the staff room. Aizawa and Izuku just wanted that bittersweet taste of their morning coffees.

Eventually the bell rang to signal the start of the day. Aizawa grabbed his sleeping bag while Izuku headed to the vents. Oh, they are going to be absolutely terrified! Izuku thought.

You see, while Izuku has been teaching he has been mapping out the entire vent system for the school. That's why no one would even know where he went when unsupervised. It truly was amazing seeing all the U.A staff running around in circles looking for him.

Izuku arrived at the vent cover above class 1-A. Quickly he sends a text to Aizawa to let him know that he is in position. After some time, the door opened revealing Aizawa in all his sleep deprived glory. It took a solid eight seconds for them to realise that there was a weird person in a cocoon at the door.

Aizawa pointed out said flaw and proceeded to give a mini lecture to them. Then he gave Izuku the agreed upon signal. The signal was simple, as soon as Aizawa was telling them to get into their gym gear he would pop out of the vent.

Izuku did just that. He had experience and all that jazz. He jumped out the vent and onto the desk below him, scaring the living daylights out of them.

"Hi y'all! I'm the teacher's assistant. You may know me for once being the infamous Vigilante Neko! Now though I'm legit, with a hero's licence and everything. Now, 'Zawa let's go do that apprehension test." Izuku stated happily.

All eyes were focused on Izuku, they obviously wanted to know what the hell was going on. Almost as soon as he appeared, Izuku vanished.

"Does he always do that?" One of the students asked.

"Sadly yes." Aizawa responded.


Sooner or later all of the class made it to the field. There was a bunch of nervous energy going around. Many people had heard of the vigilante, some idolised him, others found him cool while the rest had never heard of him before.

"Today," Aizawa started, "We will be doing an apprehension test, although this one is different. You can use your quirks as much as you like. Bakugou. What was the furthest that you could throw a ball?"

"76 meters." Bakugou growled.

"Now," Aizawa said while throwing Bakugou the ball, "try with your quirk."

Bakugou put a smug look on his face before heading up to the circle. Gathering as much power as he could, he sent a huge blast of an explosion against the ball, yelling a "die" as he did so.

Aizawa flipped the device in his hands to show Bakugou's score. It was an impressive 751 meters. This got everyone very excited about what was to come.

"Fun?" Izuku asked. "You think this is fun? What about natural disasters? Floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, and tsunamis. Do you think those are fun? What do you think about becoming a hero? Is it to become popular? Well if that's the case then you should just quit now. Being a hero is all about saving people, not for being liked. And I'm sure Aizawa will agree with me that the person in last place will be expelled."

"Yes, like Neko said, last place will be deemed to have no potential and get expelled."

The class, being very surprised bursted into a huge fit. Most being outraged and others were silently happy that they had powerful quirks. The one who was really scared was Shinsou. He had the worst quirk possible for this assessment. Brainwashing. What could he do with that? Soon enough it was the ball throw. Shinsou had gotten average scores in the other test but this one was sure going to be the make it or break it point.

That's when it hit him. He could use his quirk to get someone else to throw the ball. This was going to be good. As soon as it was his turn he stepped into the circle, a rare smile on his face.

"Hey Bakugou, Uraraka!" He yelled out, remembering the names from the highest scoring individuals.

"Wha-"They both replied. Bingo Shinsou thought.

"Both work together and throw this ball as far as you can." He commanded. And just like that Uraraka and Bakugou worked in perfect sync and threw the ball. He somehow ended up getting a score of infinity infinity.

With that score he managed to place a solid tenth place overall. Sadly, the girl with the invisibility quirk placed last.

"Oh, and we lied." Neko stated. "No one is actually getting expelled."

"It was a logical ruse!" Aizawa finished, settling with a creepy grin on his face.

Yep, this year was going to be wild.

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