Chapter 16

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Chapter 16: Farewells and Greetings

A week had passed since their meet with the President. They needed the time to make all the necessary repairs to the Altimoor. The night before the heroes were supposed to give the children back and address the world, the held a solemn funeral for their fallen friend. They held the service on top of the Altimoor, in a shallow, concave section of the deck. They had built a pyre, then set Galdyn's body on top, adorned with rich looking robes. Godai had the honor to light the pyre, and the teens, dog and children all sat around the burning tower. It was Skorospian custom that they sit on the floor in complete silence, which they honored. As they sat, the watched the embers rise from the pyre in different colors, and flew up to join the stars in the night sky. When there was nothing left, they made their way back inside to the Common Room, where Selyys made an announcement.

"My grandfather would have made you all an offer when your mission was complete, and you would be able to go home. I make it now. I have the technology onboard to extract the Clion element from your bodies, and by doing this, you would lose the abilities you gained, and would become normal humans again. But you are more than welcome to keep your gifts."

The teens knew about this, and they all agreed to keep their powers, because of the promise they made to the President and themselves. This offer was mainly for the children. At first, the teens thought the kids would decline, and keep their abilities, as well. They were in fact surprised to see that most of the children took the offer, because they just wanted to return to their normal lives. Only Sam, Mikey, Rosa and Harry declined, the reasoning being that when they were older, they would join the teens.

So, the rest of the children followed Selyys into a large laboratory on the ship, and put them in a glass bubble chamber. Selyys went to her station, then activated the process. The chamber glowed, and the gaseous element slowly flowed out of the children, and into another glass bubble above them. Once it was done, everyone returned to their rooms and tried to rest for the following big day, but none of the children could sleep, and Selyys agreed to stay with them. The five teens, on the other hand, fell instantly asleep as soon as they hit their beds.

The next day, the Altimoor was given a U.S. Airforce escort to the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport in Washington state. Flights were canceled for the day as they made room for the Altimoor to land, as well as to set up a large stage and audience seating for the conference. True to his word, the President had contacted the children's families, who were the very first ones in the crowd, their eyes tearing up with joy. As the Altimoor touched down, the crowd gave a roaring cheer as thanks for saving the U.S from near destruction, and the world from World War 3. U.S. Marines stood at attention in front of the ship's ramp as the teens in their suits, children, Selyys in her alien form and Coal in his transformed state walked down and toward the crowd. As soon as the kids spotted their parents, they ran to them at full speed. The parents broke away from the crowd as they rushed to embrace their children. Some kids went to moms and dads, just a mom or just a dad, two moms or two dads, grandparents or older siblings who had custody of them. They all hugged and cried and fell to the floor. Camera crews and reporters from nearly every news station in America were there to record the whole scene.

Seeing the children's reunion made the teens feel sad that they would never get the same, but happy that they could finally keep their promise to the kids. As long as the kids were out of danger, the teens were happy. Off to the side of the children and their parents, Genus spotted a familiar female face. The kids noticed as well, and ran right toward the dark-skinned person, calling, "Miss Maya, Miss Maya!" It was the teacher that Genus had saved from the zealots at the school. The kids all crowded around her as she laughed and cried with joy. Genus finally put two and two together, then pointed the teacher out to the group.

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