A Final Fight

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Percy POV

As I appeared on the hill, next to camp, I immediately caught Luke's eye, and set the rest of my plan in motion. I then noticed that Annabeth was standing next to him, with a murderous look on her face. I had to ignore her for this plan to work.

"So many monsters lost for no reason. However, that's what they are for, no?" End directed at me. "If they were any smarter, everyone would be in trouble." By this time Kronos and Gaea have made their way back to us. I stepped forward and as soon as I did Luke charged to meet me.

I had to make it look real, so I easily blocked him. We then fell into a short yet tedious battle. For about 5 minutes the upper hand kept going back and forth, but I soon started to use some newer powers that caught him off guard. We locked eyes and had an understanding, he then let me disarm him.

The sword went up and I caught it very easily. He went back on his back and I pressed his sword into his neck. Annabeth was trying to run to me, but I need time in order for this plan to work. I needed to convince End that I have changed my loyalties. End saw me and spoke "Why are you hesitating? Kill him" I turned to End "He is the only person I have trusted all the time I have served Chaos. He is a powerful warrior, why not try and change his loyalties?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

He thought for a moment before meeting my eyes, as to try to see any deception, "What would incline his change? Yours was seeing the truth about your Father and friends. You have a reason to be mad and want something in return. He doesn't." I already knew this would be an argument "Really, We have grown into more than brothers and we can read each other better than anyone else. He trusts my judgement the same, if not more than Chaos'. Besides give him a few 'sessions' he'd crack within minutes" I suggested.

Now, I know, you're currently asking 'Why would you suggest torturing your best friend?' I knew that I needed to throw him off guard enough for him to let his guard down to me. I needed to act like him.

As End thought Annabeth kept fighting to get closer but I noticed that it was Zoe who stopped her and told her a run down of my plan. I also glanced around and caught Nico's eyes and he nodded which started the next part. I glanced around the Demigods and my former immortal friends, but a particular flame caught my eye. It was in the infirmary.

I tried to use a little power to help put it out but my attention was brought back to End as he said "Why not? I could use some entertainment for the following days. If he turns against us, you could just easily kill him." I nodded. He said us. That means he has dropped his guard a little, because of my new found 'ideas'. Maybe my plan could work after all.

I forced Luke up and I flashed away with him to End's Lair, but not inside. I dropped the act and so did he. I smiled "You need to work on your dueling, I mean I was going easy and it only lasted like 5 minutes." He looked at me and laughed "That's because I didn't want End seeing every way you fought me. Could help him when you dual him later. Speaking of that, this is as far as you got. What's the rest of your plan?"

"I go back while you work here, get any monsters that they left behind. If all goes according to plan I will be back to pick you up and help if needed. Although Kronos, Gaea, and End will all be defeated. Hopefully I don't use all of my strength." He nodded and gestured for his sword back.

Then we gave each other a Bro hug. I headed one way and he headed towards the Lair. I flashed back next to End. I started using bits of my power to help Demigods that were struggling, but I had to keep it unnoticeable.

Not 10 minutes after I arrived, again, Kronos spoke "They have no chance without him. They sent him away and now they will die because of it." Gaea then picked up "The Gods will finally fall and it will be their own faults." They both walked forward leaving me and End "You know that they are right. If you fought with them there is a good chance they could win."

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