Your Semblances

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You and Ruby were training in the training room.

She was fighting hologram clone.


Y/N: ( Crazy girl.)

By the time you two were done you were bleeding as it was normal.

Ruby: Man....using my Semblances makes me tired.

Y/N: Then take a rest.

Ruby: Hey I never asked. What your semblances?

Y/N: Blood Control.

You made your own blood turn into a spear.

Ruby: Cool. Wait is that why you drink blood?

You sigh.

Y/N: Ruby we been over this.


You and Weiss were sun bathing.

Y/N: Hmmmm.

Weiss: Feels nice.

Y/N: Be careful I don't want you to melt to much ice queen.

Weiss just wave her hands up and down.

Y/N: Hmmm.

Weiss: Hey What your Semblances?

Y/N: Speed control.

Weiss lets down her sun glasses.

Weiss: Please explain.

Y/N: Basically I can control anyone speed.

She nods and went back to sun bathing.


You were watching Blake practice her Semblances.

You weren't sure if her clones could....spice thing's up.

Blake: How was that?

Y/N: What? Oh good wonderful.

Blake: You were staring at my ass again weren't you.

Y/N: If your going to wear those shorts it going to happen.

Blake: Ok ok. Hey that reminds me. What your Semblances?

Y/N: Fire control.

Blake: Have you ever thought about combining it with your werewolf form?

Y/N: Hu I never thought of that.


You and Yang were dancing in Junior Bar.

Y/N: Really?

Yang: Yep that my semblances.

Y/N: Hu neat.

Yang: What yours?

Y/N: Yang I'm a demon I don't have semblances.

Yang: LIER!

Y/N: Ok ok ok fine. I can summon an army of skeletons.

Yang: Nice~

Y/N: So.....want to torture Jacques again?

Yang: Yep.


You were in Pyrrha dorm helping her with her homework.

Y/N: There are easy.

Pyrrha: For you.

Y/N: What can I say I'm a genius.

Pyrrha: I actually believe you. Considering you can escape any situation.

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