Chapt. 25

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"RALPH!" Elsa had to hold the phone away from her ear at Jack's exclamation. "You're joking right. This has to be a joke. You couldn't have possibly dated Wreck-it Ralph,"
"And why's that?" Elsa asked, an edge to her voice.
"Look at him, he's so...and you're so..."
"Frost, you may be my boyfriend, but Ralph is still my friend so choose what you say about him carefully,"
"I...I didn''s just so...I mean...I didn't mean anything."
"I thought so. And why is it so surprising that I dated that Ralph. A lot of people will be more surprised if they found out if I was dating you, moony,"
"Ralph and you...I just can't see that happening,"
"And you're judging that on appearances alone. You don't know anything about him," Anna took the phone from Elsa, "Hey," The elder girl cried.
"Elsa used to be steamed when people would talk about her and Ralph just based on appearances. You'd be wise to not make the same mistake. Ralph's a really sweet guy by the way,"
"I'd rather he be dating her than you moony," Merida said leaning closer to the phone's receiver.
"That's not true Merida," Rapunzel countered, "You didn't like Elsa and Ralph together,"
"No, that was only because she didn't like the fact that Ralph used to get so flustered at games knowing she was watching him," Anna said.
"Ralph's a true, blue Disney boy, why wouldn't I like him and my best friend together,"

"THAT HURTS DUNBROCH," Jack yelled so he could be heard over their conversation. Merida took the phone from Anna.
"What are you going to do about it Frost,"
"I thought you said you approved of me," Jack asked.
"That doesn't mean I can't approve of someone more,"
"Let me guess, you never even gave Ralph the 'don't ever hurt Elsa' speech, did you?"
"Are you daft, of course he got the speech, same and Kristoff, Flynn and you. Any boy who thinks they're good enough for my friends have to know what would happen if they screwed up. Don't think you're anything special Frost,"
"Then how if Ralph up and walking after he and Elsa broke up?"
"Well because they had a pretty good split on even terms,"

Before she could continue Elsa snatched back her phone, "Man you guys can be so childish," She said to her friends and left to talk with Jack in another room. When she left Rapunzel and Anna looked at Merida with curious glances.
"I thought you said you liked Jack," Rapunzel asked.
"I said I like Jack with Elsa, there's a difference. He makes her happy, and he's not complete idiot,"
"But that's not what it sounded like just now,"
"Yeah, well...Jack is never going to find out I do actually like him,"

" and Ralph..." Jack said to Elsa.
"Is there a problem," Elsa stood in hallway, leaning against the wall.
"No...Of course not. It's just a little surprising that's all. When I imagine you with a guy from Disney...Ralph's not the first one to come to mind,"
"Hey," She said softly, "Why are you imagining me with a guy from Disney? I'm with you, aren't I? You shouldn't worry over stuff that happened in the past. It's gone and over,"
"Yeah, I know. I know. Can I just ask how the two of you got together?"
"Ralph, despite first impressions is actually a really sweet guy. His step brother, Felix and best friend Vanellope can testify to that. And our personalities really meshed. He's still a good friend to me,"
"What happened? Why didn't it work out?"
"I said our personalities meshed, but that was about it. There wasn' do I put this...there wasn't any spark. I knew I could never love Ralph and he felt the same way so we ended it."
"Not any epic ballad is it,"
"No, it wasn't it. But it was nice, and I don't regret. But like I said, Ralph and I won't meant to be anything another than friends,"
"So what about me?"
"What about you?"
"Is there any spark with me?"
A small smile appeared on Elsa's lips, "Wouldn't you like to know," She teased. She could see his pout in her mind as he spoke.
"Aww, Winters, that's not fair. Why won't you tell me?"
"Maybe I'll tell you tomorrow,"
"Our date?"
"Oh right. I'd almost forgotten with everything that happened today. Oh no! I didn't get the stuff. Elsa I got to go,"
She could background noise, probably caused by Jack as he set off in a mad rush to leave the house.
"I'll call you tonight,"
"I can't wait Princess,"

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