A/N: Real Quick apology

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If you haven't already, please go read the first book. I have reading lists for a reason.

It's in the ..My Erasure Head.. reading list. go find it and get caught up you hobo.

Now that the newbies are gone, I'd like to apologize. I haven't been very good at updating the past book, because 

A. I'm R E A L L Y lazy and I usually only update when creativity slaps me upside the head. 

B. I've been seeing lots of new doctors. L O T S. Cuz author chan do be a disabled human being. 

C. Depression. I've been through a lot, and there are many times I feel useless and pathetic, and like a waste of space. 

D. I animate now, and I have been trying to get videos onto my YouTube more often. I literally only have 6 videos up, and they all suck. Sub to Drina Draws lol

and EEE. I have school stuffs that need accomplishing if I don't wanna live in a box when I'm older. 


I've made up my mind. 

Every Friday is officially update day. 

I'm going to do my best to get updates out on Fridays, and let yall know in advance if I'm unable to do so. 

Also, did yall read the summary? What do you think of this new villain I'm gonna add?

Let me know in the comments.

See you next week for update day! 

~ Froppy Chan

.. My Erasure Head, 2!..Where stories live. Discover now