...9... You deserve to smile..

24 1 1

It was a quiet night in southern Tokyo.
Beneath the bright lights and the bridges, A deal was being made.

A cat like figure wearing a black tie, vest, and eye mask huffed, reaching her hand out towards a big scruffy guy.
"Listen.. Either you give me the bag, or we'll take it ourselves. Right Thundercloud?" Chunky said, looking over to Oboro who was wearing a black facemask and a yellow rain coat. Not the best of disguises, but it would do.
He nodded, frowning.
"I ain't giving you two shit, why don't you scamper back to your owner, hm pussy cat?"
"I may be part cat due to my parents quirks but I sure as hell ain't a pussy. Call me Noir or I'll pull your tongue out of your mouth and feed it to ya."
The tension was so thick you could've sliced it like cheese.
Oboro noticed and stepped in.
"Guys we can-"
There was suddenly a new voice.
"You guys can what? Continue your drug exchange? That's annoying.."
They turned to see another boy, the same age as Oboro and Chunky, with his shoulder length black hair in a ponytail and a scarf around his neck.

"Who the hell are you kid?" The scruffy man growled, standing up.
".. I'm Yellow. And I've come to erase your crimes from this city."

Oboro gasped, beginning to jump up and down in his fan boyish manner. "Is it really you?! The Vigilante Yellow?! Whoa its an honor to be-"
"You guys are villains?"
he blinked a couple times. "Yeah of course-"
"Yes we're what society refers to as 'evil villains'. I can see why you're confused over Thundercloud's actions." Chunky interrupted.
Yellow huffed and rolled his eyes.
"Anyways, will you come with me to the police station or do I gotta drag you there?"
"Don't even try it." The scruffy man looked around panicked before he grabbed Chunky by the neck and began choking her with his meaty hands and holding his gun to her head.
"Chunky- I mean Noir!!" Oboro cried.
"Take one step and I'll shoot! What are you going to do now little hero? " he began to chuckle to hide his fear of jail.
The cat villain rolled her eyes,pulling on his hands.
"Is that.. Your best.. defense?" She struggled. "A real man.. Would take him.. On... instead of.. hurting the ones he... refers to as allies..."
"Let her go Crusher!" Oboro yelled in fear for his friend.
Yellow sat there and blinked. ".. You're a dumb one aren't you..'crusher'."
In the blink of an eye Yellow had Chunky wrapped in his scarf, away from Crusher.

"Abjbjad- HEY!!"
Yellow ran her up a building and left her dangling there.

"You're my hostage now, I've got questions. "

He jumped down and proceeded to erase Crushers quirk, cuff him, and leave a sticky note on him before going back to Oboro.
He was flying up the building and looking for Chunky when he was distracted.
"Hey.. You wanna go to jail too or answer a few questions?"

the cloud boy hesitated. "...Only if you answer some of mine.."



Meanwhile in the Todoroki household, Rei was being fitted for her wedding dress.
The maids noticed her being gloomy when she walked in the room, so they did their best to cheer her up.





The maids were singing horribly on purpose, teasing Rei about getting married, and trying to piss off Endeavor who was across the hall working on his papers.

Rei giggled at their behavior. "Thank you, you all make me very happy.."

"Oh! Its no problem shweetie!" Melissa said from beneath her, holding pins in her mouth as she stitched the white fabric.

"We hate seeing you frown. You've gotta keep that beautiful smile on your face sweetheart!" Koharu chipped in, untangling a silk ribbon.

Aoi attempted to hot glue a small diamond onto a headpiece with her quirk.
"Speaking of your frown.. Why were you upset?"

The young girl stood there silent for a moment, catching the attention of the two others.

"....Is it about Enji?" Koharu said after a moment.

"Y-yeah.. Ever since coming here.. He's made me feel really uncomfortable.. And I'm not ready to be called his " darling" and his bride.. On t-top of that... I haven't seen my best friend in weeks.. I never got to tell her what happened.. "

The girls frowned and looked at each other, trying to think of a way to make her smile.

".... Fuck it." Melissa began to undo the ruffles of Rei's skirt and removed it from her body, helping her get out of it.
"Melissa? What are you-"
"We're going to U.A. to visit your friends. If they aren't there we're visiting their houses. You deserve to be happy, and Enji should be trying to get to know you more instead of having us watch you. He's your husband to be, yet we're doing the loving for him. Its ridiculous. You deserve to smile.. Think of this... As a bachelorette party."
Rei nodded and hugged her, getting a chuckle from the others.
Aoi hesitated. ".. Melissa? Its not that I don't agree, I absolutely do. Endeavor is an ass and he needs to treat her better.. But should we be doing this? If he finds out we're probably gonna lose our jobs.."

The room went silent before Melissa nodded. "Its worth it. Besides he's too busy working to care."

They changed into different outfits, letting Rei pick her own without Enji's approval.
She wore a snow blue summer dress, leggings, and brown fuzzy boots. The maids wore jeans, t shirts, and various kinds of accessories they made themselves.

After a few minutes they hopped into Melissa's truck and hit the road, headimg toward U.A. She swerved a few times when no one was around and sped down hills, getting giggles from Rei as she held onto the door of the vehicle. She rolled down the windows and let the wind take her hair as she put her hands up and smiled brightly like a child.

'You deserve to be like this Rei.. What the hell is wrong with Todoroki.. He's missing out on this just because he wants to surpass some buff guy.. I wish he'd think better.. "

WOOO! another CHAPTER! Man I'm focusing a lot on Rei and the maids lol. Is this even an Inko x Aizawa anymore ??
What did we think of the villains hm?
Sorry I don't really have a schedule. I swear I'm trying!
The quarter ends this Friday, I'm missing so much.. I figured I'd hurry up and finish this before I go work my butt off.

Again, any ideas for a Halloween one shot?

I'll see y'all next time!!

.. My Erasure Head, 2!..Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ