..4.. "Yes, I'll be protecting you now."

24 2 0


I woke up outside, by an alley.
"Guess she dumped me this time. G r e a t."
I sighed and went to stand, but my head began to pound. I wasn't going to school today I guess. My memory was a bit fuzzy, but pieced together what had happened.
I was awake at 5 am, mom beat me again, I knocked out. I suddenly realized there was a pile of ash next to me.. I pulled out what looked like a piece of fabric.
"That's the dress.. Inko let me use.." I almost cried.

There was a note in my pocket.

To our little bi*ch,
Hey Rei. Guess what. We got sick of you.
You happy now? We're not gonna bother you anymore,
because we don't need you anymore. We're glad you tried to kill yourself. Really, you shouldn't have!
Alas, you were saved, by a handsome buff hero. I guess you're not being dead was alright. I mean, hey, we got X00,000,000 yen for ya! I'd say that's a fair price to pay.
We burned your belongings and sent them with you. We wish you'd never taken time out of our lives. But it's all right now. We're rich! And we're on our way to America!
By the way, you're getting married to Endeavor next Saturday, so find the address on your hand and get there!
Hope to see your grave soon! Bye waste of time!
~ Your loving parents

My parents just abandoned me. In an alley.


I looked in the pile of ash, digging violently. and then.. I found it.

The tie to my U.A. Uniform. It was burned. My books, my projects, pictures of my friends, my money.. All of it,  just a pile of ash.
I teared up and sat on the concrete.

I had no idea where I was, I was to be married to a random man, all evidence I had ever had friends was gone,  and my future career as a hero was over.

Why.. It should have ended when I tried to kill myself. It didn't have to get worse.

I looked around. There was an address on my hand. If I wanted a place to stay, I needed to find it.

There was a convenience store a few streets down, so I decided to go there to get myself a map.

While walking, a few voices caught my attention from an alley.

A husky male voice chuckled. "Hey, baby cakes, quit struggling. You'll only make it harder on yourself.~"

" I w-want m-m-y mom-my! "

I could tell the second voice was a little girl. Her voice sounded like it was in pain.

That made me angry.

Now that I wasn't with my parents any more, I wasn't being harmed any more. But seeing someone else go through what I did...

I know, it's not the same. But it felt the same at the moment.

Peeking behind the wall, I found a man, about the age of 30,  and a small girl, maybe 9 or 10.
The man was holding her down and gripping her throat. He also had bruised her, and was working on lifting her skirt.

In that one moment, my anger and all the emotions I had held inside my whole life just exploded.

Before I could process it, I was running towards him with a huge ice block forming in my hand.

"LET HER BE!" I said as I smashed the block on his head. Next, I swiped my ankles under his legs and shoved him down. Lastly I kicked him where the sun don't shine harder and faster than he could react.
I ignored his screams of agony as I leaned down to see the little girl.
"A-are you alright?"
She nodded and grabbed my hand as I pulled her up.
I took her with me to the shop, where I explained what happened.
The clerk seemed to know her.
"Nene, you know your mother doesn't want you in the streets when she is at work." The man scolded.
"I-I'm sorry Mr. Yashiro..."

.. My Erasure Head, 2!..Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant