..8..Two Red Lines

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Inko Midoriya sat on the seat of her toilet.. Terrified.
She was only a freshman in high school, how was she supposed to do this?! Was she even ready??

A few hours earlier..

"Mom I-I'm fine! I just have a bug. I swear!"
"Mhm, and Bakugo is a good student." Her mother said sarcastically.
"Mom I-"
"Inko, your symptoms aren't that of someone with the flu. I know what's wrong with you.. But I just wanna make sure. After all you just lost your innocence. Its worth making sure sweetie." She smiled softly and handed her a grocery bag.

Back to the present.. (I guess past present.. idk... t i m e l i n e s))

Inko clenched her fists and put her head in her hands as tears formed. She sniffled.

'What am I gonna say?! What should I tell him?! Should I tell him?! Is.. Is he gonna hate me?! '

At this point she was sobbing from straight up fear. How was someone supposed to accept this? Something so important.. ((I don't remember if I gave her mom a name... correct me if I did.. But we're gonna call her Aiko because yes))

After a few minutes there was a knock at the door and Aiko peeked inside, seeing her daughter and rushing to her side.

"Sweetie?" She cupped her face in her hands, and wiping away her tears. "Sweetie what's... wrong..." Her eyes made their way to the counter beside her.

"m-Mom I.. I don't know wh-what to do.." Inko sniffed, wrapping her arms around Aiko tightly and crying harder.

"Honey.. Look at me.." She lifted her tear stained face to look at her own, smiling sadly. "You'll be okay.. you'll get through this.. alright? I'm gonna be there for you every step of the way.. and I'm sure he will too. "

"But we d-don't k-know for sure.. We h-haven't even had our first date yet.."

"... Sweetie, you were friends once, weren't you?"

Inko was quiet for a second.

".. But people can change.. Dad changed-" She covered her mouth and looked down.

Aiko was silent for a moment before smiling. "...Your dad was just too immature to handle it.. I may not know your boyfriend as well as you do honey, but I know for a fact that he's more mature than your father will ever be."

Inko hugged her mother and continued to sob, trying to figure out what she was going to do about the test on the counter, and the two red lines that were about to change her life.

For the first time in a while, the young hero's breakfast nook was filled with laughter and the sounds of forks hitting plates in a cheerful manner.

Enji's three maids, Aoi, Melissa, and Koharu, were smiling and giggling as they ate at the small table in the corner. Rei insisted on sitting with them, since she saw them being forced to sit away from the main table as rude and acting like royalty, which Endeavor basically was.

The maids joked around the table in their uniforms, while Rei popped in with a small remark or chuckle from time to time in her own fuzzy pajama pants and ice blue tanktop. Meanwhile Enji sat across the room at the large wooden table, picking at his pancakes and pouting over his fiance's new friends. He pretended like it didn't bother him, but in reality it made him frustrated.

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