..6.. "Spy Kitty" ..

22 3 0

Third POV:

Upon arriving in the male Todoroki's home, Rei felt a bit skiddish. She was immediately showered with affection the second she came in the door, which she was definitely not used to, but it felt nice after a while.

A few hours later, the maids were already giggling like little girls as they helped measure new fabrics for new clothing, since Rei's pajama bottoms and light jacket had been stained with blood and dirt.

She was still shy, but Rei began to feel at home. She began to feel as if she was needed, and she felt the same way she always did around her friends.

After a bit, dinner was set on the glossy, vintage wooden table, and Rei was led down the stairs arm in arm with Endeavor.

When she was done she politely bowed and returned to her room, where she sat on her bed and cried.
Her feelings hadn't yet processed what had happened to her, and for the first time, she could cry without being smacked or screamed at. She sobbed, not because she missed her life, but because she was finally happy.

Well, mostly happy.

Something wasn't right about the man who invited her into his home. Although, Endeavor was very sweet to her. A little too sweet to be honest...
Rei felt a tiny twinge of disgust when she was around him, and she could never tell why. Something was off about him, but Rei pretended not to notice.

I'm just getting used to living like this, it'll go away once I get to know him.

Unknown location
Hidden base
8:30 pm

"Did the papers go through?"
A boy with sky blue hair and a brown leather jacket flopped on the bed of his hotel room in excitement.
" Yeah! I start school on Monday! Isn't that awesome! I can't wait to be a hero -"
A long sigh.
"Obo, you know you'll never be a hero. You're not there to mess around, you have a mission. "
"I-I know, it's just-"
" Its just  nothing." The woman growled. " You need to stop thinking about your little fantasies. I won't hesitate to kill you if you mess up. You saw what I did to Feels."
The boy shivered at the thought of what he saw when he arrived back at the base the other day...
The strange shirt male strapped to a chair only to be burned over and over again, his screams echoing throughout every room in the building.
"..... I see. I won't mess up ma'am.."
" Good. "

The normally bright and cheery boy laid on his bed and sighed.

"Dumb mission. Dumb villains. This is all dumb."
He rolled into his side and tapped the wall as the thought to himself.

"Was it dumb of me father? Should I have just sacrificed myself for you all instead of going along with her? I wish I could take it all back.."

There was a pound on his window, which made him jump.
As he opened it, he was met with a pair of golden eyes and orange stripes.

"Oh. It's just you Chunky. How'd you climb up 40 stories?" He said with a monotone voice .
The girl stretched on the window sill and climbed in the window on all fours. "I thought I asked you to stop calling me that."
" You did. Doesn't mean I'm stopping. What are you doing here? "
Chunky yawned and stood up, walking towards the kitchen in her jogging pants and T Shirt, the bell on her necklace jingling with every step.
"I was sent to keep an eye on you, cloud brain. Boss doesn't trust you alone. Got any tuna ?"
"Ah darn, I knew I should have grabbed some from the store this morning. Whoops." He shrugged sarcastically . The feline like girl rolled her eyes, grabbing a jug of milk form his mini fridge and pouring it into a glass.

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