Chapter Three

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Soon enough, her brothers left for college. They were staying in California, but a few counties away. With their inheritance money, they were able to pay up their tuition in full for an IVY League education, and even rent off-campus accommodation. That's pretty much all Mellisa knew about her brothers' lives. Their breakfast outing hadn't changed much in their relationship. It felt as if neither knew how to build a relationship with the other.

So, as the brothers' immersed into their new lives, Mellisa found herself taking on more hours at the hospital or volunteering. She didn't have much else to keep her occupied. She hadn't had a social life for the past 10 years and didn't quite know where to start one now. So, she stuck to what she knew. But interesting things were on the horizon for her.

"Are you new? I've never seen you around here before," said a voice to Mellisa as she gathered files at the nursing station.

"I could say the same to you. Spend a lot of time in the hospital, do you?" Mellisa surprised herself with how easily the words slipped out of her mouth. It was unusual for her.

"I've had my moments," the man smiled. He couldn't be more than a couple of years older than her. As she observed him, she realized that most of the staff knew him. He had nods and smiles directed his way constantly.

"What can I do for you, Mr...?"

"Just Alex is fine. And you are?"

"Just Mellisa."

"Well, just Mellisa. It's a pleasure to meet you. I hope to see you around," he offered her a smirk before disappearing into the crowds.

Mellisa smiled at the odd interaction. She couldn't remember the last time she had received any unsolicited attention from a man, or any attention, really.

Alex spent weeks pursuing her relentlessly before she had agreed to have coffee with him.

"What made you say yes?" he had asked her on their coffee date.

"I had some time to kill, and needed some entertainment, I guess," she teased.

"Well, I am to please, mademoiselle. Feel free to use me as you please," he grinned.

"That's quite forward," Mellisa raised her eyebrow at him.

"I'm an only child. I didn't have home-bred practice cases for conversation. I've had to work really hard to turn on the charm and get people to talk to me by will."

"Well, I must say, you seem to have mastered the skill quite nicely."

"Why, thank you. So, just Mellisa, you've learnt a lot about me in the last few minutes. Tell me something about you," Alex said, as he leaned forward, showing his eagerness to hear what she has to say.

Alex was easy to talk to. She found herself telling him things she had never said out loud before. Time moved quickly when they were together, and she was constantly in splits by his antics. She wasn't surprised when she agreed to be his girlfriend a few weeks later. The words just flowed out of her.

She had told him about her parents and brothers, and on his part, Alex had even gotten her to build some semblance of a relationship with them. They had spent quite a bit of time taking road trips even if it was just to have coffee with her brothers.

These trips started out pleasant. Mellisa felt like she had gotten to know her brothers more in these past few weeks than she had known in the last few years. Kyle and Jackson quite easily started to include her in their lives, letting her know what they were up to even when they were miles apart. Alex seemed to get on well with them too. He was always telling her how much fun they had on their boys nights together.

Eventually, however, Kyle had pulled her aside one day saying he didn't trust Alex. Mellisa couldn't figure out why he felt that. Alex had been nothing but kind to Mellisa and her brothers. Soon, the trips stopped as Jackson and Kyle refused to meet her, if it meant seeing Alex. Within six months, Mellisa was faced with an unpleasant surprise.

"I can't believe they would do such a thing after everything you've done for them," Alex commented, furiously.

"Why would they do this? I know we haven't had the best relationship, but we were getting there? Did the last few months mean nothing to them? I think I should go talk to them in person," Mellisa said, hysterically.

"Mel! They just issued you with a restraining order. By definition, it means you can't be anywhere near them."

"But they won't answer my calls. I don't know what else to do."

"Forget about them for now. Give them space. They'll come around. In the meanwhile, you have me."

Mellisa smiled at him lovingly as she let him envelope her in a hug. For once, she felt like everything would be okay.

That night, Alex offered to take her out, just to clear her mind. It was the first time Mellisa had agreed to go out, amidst a large crowd with Alex. They usually did cute little dates, with just the two of them. She was yet to meet his friends though. It had taken almost a year for this to happen. She told herself that she hadn't had the time for it sooner. She knew, deep down, that she was scared. Now, she had run out of excuses.

"What if they don't like me?"

"What's not to like? You're smart, intelligent and kind. I worry that they'll like you too much. What if they steal you away from me?"

"What do you take me for? I'm not some floozy who jumps from person to person."

"Of course, you're not. But the bastards can charm the pants off you. Where would that leave me?" Alex pouted.

"At home, with me, cuddled on the couch after we shut the front door on their faces," Mellisa grinned causing Alex to guffaw.

"You truly are something else. But I promise, tonight will be fun. We'll only stay as long as you want to, and then we can go get ice cream," he promised her.

Mellisa's decision to go with Alex to a party that night, however, would be the biggest mistake of her life. 

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