Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Mellisa ran into Vivian before she could get anywhere near Amanda.

"So?" Vivian asked expectantly.

"There's nothing to worry about. The old lady was simply throwing a tantum. Chalk it up to the privilege of being rich, and move on," Mellisa shrugged.

"She isn't pressing charges?"

"She wasn't ever going to. And she won't even think about it if she knows what's good for her," Mellisa said, looking back at her grandparents who still seemed to be arguing.

"How are you so sure?" Vivian asked, eying her suspiciously.

"Because she knows that pissing me off isn't in her best interest."

"What do you mean?"

"Eleanor Adams is my grandmother." This was the first time Mellisa had acknowledged this fact out loud. Vivian stared at her in shock.

"You didn't think to tell me this earlier?"

"Vivian, I don't want to get into this right now. I just want to go see my daughter," Mellisa said, as she walked away from Vivian.

Walking towards Kyle's room, Mellisa made sure to pick up Amanda's bag. She then pulled out her phone to call Emily. As she held the phone to her ear, Mellisa recognized the custom ringtone Emily used for her. Following the sound, Mellisa walked into her brother's room. Emily was sitting by Amanda's bedside, talking to the Adams' twins.

"Emily, I was trying to reach you. What are you doing here?" Mellisa ignored everyone else in the room.

"I came here looking for you," Emily responded as she made her way towards Mellisa. "I have something to tell you."

"I can't take anymore news, Em, good or bad. Three strikes. I'm done. I was looking for you to take Amanda. I am tired of living in fear, and I will not put Amanda through that anymore. I'm turning myself in. Just take care of Amanda for me, please? She's all I have left," Mellisa pleaded.

"Mel, just listen to me," Emily pleaded desperately. But Mellisa just wasn't listening.

"No, I'm done. There's only so much a person can take, and I have borne more than my share. But more than anything, Amanda deserves none of this. I know I never asked you, but it would mean the world to me if you would take care of my daughter. Please Emily? I'm begging you." There was a desperation in Mellisa's eyes that made Emily want to cry.

Emily quietly nodded, tears escaping without her permission, as Mellisa went to hug her daughter. The rest of the Adams clan looked on in confusion. They had no idea what was going on, that much was evident to Emily. But right now, that wasn't Emily's concern.

Whispering a soft 'goodbye', Mellisa hugged Emily tightly before walking out of the room and then the hospital, not bothering to look back. Eleanor, however, caught up with her.

"Where are you going?" Eleanor asked, grabbing hold of Mellisa's wrist. "Where's Amanda?"

Turning around, Mellisa asked, "Did you find anything out the restraining order?"

"That's why I've been trying to talk to you, even before I found out about Amanda. The boys know nothing about a restraining order."

"Well, someone's up to something. I don't know what's going on, but until we get to the bottom of it, it's not good for Amanda to stay with me," Mellisa told her.

"So, you're leaving her?"

"She's in good hands. Emily will look after her."

"You're leaving Amanda with a strange over family?"

"Blood doesn't make family, Eleanor. Emily has been my family since before Amanda was born. I just met you. I don't know you from Eve.

"What are you going to do? Where are you going?"

"I don't know. Find a way to put an end to all this," Mellisa shrugged.


"I don't know. I'll figure something out."

Eleanor stared at Mellisa for a whole minute before speaking. "This restraining order... do you have it? Where is it?"

"You'll find it in the side pocket of Amanda's bag. I figured Emily would have more luck and resources to deal with it than me."

"Okay. We'll take care of it. Don't worry. Just stay safe. You'll be back with your family in no time. I won't rest till that happens. None of us will." Eleanor stated with conviction before letting go of Mellisa, who simply nodded before walking away.

For the rest of the night, Mellisa walked around aimlessly. She wasn't sure of what lay ahead of her. She didn't know when this nightmare would end either. Would she ever live a normal life? What was even normal anymore?

Mellisa had left Amanda without a thought. She didn't know when she was going to see her daughter again. But Mellisa promised herself that when she finally got to reunite with her daughter, it would be for forever. Nothing would ever again turn her life upside down, and she would do everything in her power to ensure that Amanda would get to live the life she deserved – one way or another!

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