Bonus Chapter Two

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"Charlotte Tells Jackson About The Baby"

Talking to Mellisa gave Charlotte some courage. Charlotte hasn't been entirely honest with Mellisa. She had, in fact, told somebody; her parents, to be exact. They were not happy. On the contrary, they had given her an ultimatum – the baby or them. The decision wasn't a hard one for her.

Charlotte had told her parents because she had nothing to lose. But Jackson was a whole other story. She was certain she loved him. Nothing would make her happier than spending the rest of her life with him. But they weren't ready for children. If Jackson made her choose, she would lose either way, and Charlotte just wanted to hold onto hope for a little while longer, which is why she hadn't told Olivia yet either – Olivia would tell Kyle who can't keep anything from Jackson. So, Charlotte had carried this burden alone.

Mellisa had helped her more than she realized. Above all, she had given Charlotte the courage to tell Jackson, whatever the consequence may be.

Waiting for her test results to come was excruciating. She knew the truth already, and just wanted to get it out in the open before she lost her nerves.

So, as soon as Dr. Smith had cleared her, Charlotte went looking for her boyfriend. He was dutifully keeping his brother company.

'It's now or never', she thought as she stood at the threshold of Kyle and Olivia's hospital room.

"Kyle?" she said after quietly observing the brothers for a minute, "Do you mind if I borrow Jackson for a bit? There's something we need to talk about," she hesitated.

"Yeah, Char. Sure. You don't have to ask," Kyle said, giving his brother a 'what did you do?' look.

Shrugging, Jackson quietly followed Charlotte into an empty room.

"Char? Is everything okay?" he asked her in concern. She had been quiet for too long. "Say something please. You're scaring me."

Charlotte looked Jackson in the eye, her own welling up with tears.

"What's happening? Why are you crying?" he asked only for her to cry harder.

"Wait! Are you breaking up with me?"

"I don't know," she bawled.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I don't want to break up with you," she said between sniffles, "but I'm not sure you'll want to stay with me once you hear my news."

"Char just tell me what it is. I'm sure we can deal with it together."

"I was feeling a little sick for a few weeks," she confessed.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't think it was anything serious."

"Still. We tell each other everything."

"I'm telling you now. Just listen." Jackson nodded.

"When Olivia woke up, she made a comment, which got me thinking. I took a test, and it confirmed my suspicion."

"What was it?" Jackson was getting more worried by the minute.

Ignoring his question, Charlotte continued with her story. "So, I went to the clinic. I waited till Mellisa was on duty. I wanted to talk to her. I thought she could help me; that she would understand."

Jackson furrowed his eyebrows. What did Mellisa have to do with any of this? He continued to stare at Charlotte, waiting for her to continue.

Taking a deep breath, she said, "Jack? I'm pregnant!"

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