Chapter Thirty

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"Nothing she didn't deserve," Bethany said indifferently, with a shrug of her shoulder.

"I swear to god, Bethany, you better stop talking in riddles," Jackson bellowed, shaking her. "I haven't been able to stand you since the day I met you. You've always had a chip on your shoulder as if you're better than everyone else, and I am sick and tired of it. Just tell us what you did."

"Alex's illness wasn't so bad, you know? But you'd be surprised what a few months alone with a psych patient could accomplish," she said, a malicious grin making its way on her face.

"What?" Trey whispered in shock.

"You've met Alex?" Emily asked. "That's not possible. We have a record of every person Alex Perez has ever encountered. Bethany Carmichael or even Bethany Donovan has never been included in that list."

"Do you really think my snobbish parents would let the world know that their ingrate of a daughter was admitted to a psychiatric facility? Whatever would happen to their precious reputation?" Bethany hissed, stunning the others in the room.

"How's everyone this morning?" Caleb said, entering the room at that precise moment. His cheery demeanor told Emily that he had started his rounds. His smile quickly dropped, however, when he saw Amanda lying on the bed.

"Why is Amanda here? Where's Mel?" He asked Emily. "Why are you here?" he pressed. Emily didn't so much as blink. She, along with the others in the room stood motionless, staring at Bethany.

Unfortunately, Amanda had decided now would be a good time to wake up. Noticing that Bethany currently stood closest to Amanda sent shock waves up Emily's body. Worried for Amanda's safety, Emily quickly grabbed Caleb's arm, turning to him. "Take Amanda to the cafeteria and get her something to eat. Don't take your eyes off her. Go now, please?" She half commanded; half begged.

"What? No! I have rounds to do right now. Where's Mel, Em?" Caleb prodded.

"Just do what I ask, Cal. I will explain everything later." Moving closer to him, she whispered so that the others couldn't hear, "Amanda might be in danger." Without another word, Caleb swiftly walked over the Amanda, and picked her up, quickly exiting the room.

Fortunately, Bethany seemed distracted by what was happening outside the window. Emily took this opportunity to send an SOS signal to Ryan and Agent Johnson. She knew they would track her phone to the hospital. They were close enough to get to the hospital in under ten minutes.

Placing a finger on her lips, she showed everyone that she was armed. They understood what she meant, and stayed quiet, letting her take the lead.

"Bethany," Emily called out, gaining her attention.

Bethany hummed distractedly.

"What exactly did you do?" Emily cautiously asked.

"Oh, it was beautiful. So perfect," Bethany gushed, not entirely focused.

A wave of recognition hit Emily. "Bethany, if it was something you did to Mellisa, I am sure we would all like to know. We tried so hard to get rid of her, but nothing ever worked. She's like a leech, isn't she? Just doesn't go away."

"I know right?" Bethany commented, in a valley girl accent. "You would think watching me flirt with the guy she liked for years would deter her from dating him. But that stupid girl!" In an instant, Bethany's tone shifted to one of rage.

"I can understand. It only takes dire circumstances for Mellisa to go away. Did you know she has a restraining order against her? And she's flouted it many time," Emily asked, pretending to be irritated.

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