Chapter Eighteen

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Mellisa was struggling to adjust to her new normal. For the first time in over a decade, she had complete freedom, void of any fear. She could do whatever she wanted and that was a difficult thing for her. She was overwhelmed with all the choices in front of her. But her decisive daughter always came to the rescue.

Every day, Amanda suggested activities for them to do together. When Amanda couldn't think of something, Connor jumped into the rescue. The pair kept Mellisa incredibly busy, but she didn't mind. Their demands were never over the top. It was simple things like a picnic in the park or watching a movie in the theatre. The most common requests were around fast food lunches and ice cream dinners.

Mellisa always gave in. She knew it was bad for Amanda, but she also felt as if she had a lot to make up for. Amanda deserved the world, and Mellisa had failed her thus far with her poor life choices. It was time you make up for it all.

It helped that Amanda never took any of it for granted. Everything was always a polite request.

"Mommy? What's a vacation?" Amanda had asked her one evening after their adventure to the park.

"It's when you travel to another city to relax, have fun and explore a new place."

"That sounds like fun," Amanda grinned up at her mother before the smile fell from her face and she looked nervous. This worried Mellisa.

"What's wrong, baby?"

"Do you think we could take one?" Amanda whispered.

"You want to go on a vacation? Where would you like to go?" Mellisa gently asked her daughter.

"I don't know."

"How about Disneyland?"

"What's that?"

"It's a magical place where you get to eat junk food, go on rides and meet your favorite Disney princesses."

"Even Belle?" Amanda asked, her eyes wide, excitement clear on her face.

Mellisa laughed at her daughters expression as she hugged her,"Even Belle."

"Okay! I want to go there," Amanda said as she started bouncing on the balls of her feet.

"Well, we need to plan everything, so we'll have to wait a few days." This caused Amanda to pout.

"Tell you what! How about you help me plan our first vacation? Would you like that?"

"YES! Let's start now!"

"Hold on Speedy Gonzales. Planning a vacation is hard work. You're going to need all your energy. So, you should go to sleep now. When you wake up in the morning, you'll be ready to do some planning."

Amanda didn't bother putting up a fight. She rarely did. In no time, she was showered, changed and tucked into bed, listening to her mother's soothing voice as Mellisa read her a story.

She was almost asleep when she whispered,"Mommy, can Connor come with us?"

"We'll have to ask his mommy, sweetheart. We'll ask her when they come here tomorrow, okay? Now go to sleep."

"Goodnight mommy," Amanda whispered, sleep heavy in her eyes.

"Sleep tight, my love!"

When the doorbell rang the next morning, Amanda went barreling towards it. She knew she wasn't allowed to open the door herself, but she decided that running would be the fastest way to have her mother come and open the door.

"Connor, guess what? We're going to Disneyland, and you're coming with us!" Was Amanda's way of greeting their guests.

"Cool!" Connor joined in her excitement.

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