Chapter Twenty-Five

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Note: This is a short chapter, but very important.


For the rest of the afternoon, Mellisa let go of her worries. She was too busy laughing at the stories her friends shared. The kids kept themselves entertained, so the adults were able to enjoy themselves as well. When it was time to cut the cake, everyone saw Mellisa's creation for the first time. They were awestruck by her masterpiece.

Amanda went ballistic seeing all her favorite Disney princesses on her cake.

Mellisa had created an elaborate Disney inspired cake for her daughter's birthday, complete with a castle made from rice crispy treats and princesses created from fondant.

"No wonder the damn thing was so heavy," Emily muttered, fascination evident on her face.

"My God, Mel! I didn't know you could do something like this. It's marvelous," Vivian mused.

"Thank you," Mellisa blushed at the compliment. "I used to work at a bakery when I was younger. I picked up a thing or two," she confessed.

"What are you doing being a nurse? Do you realise how much bank you could be making from custom cakes?" Ryan asked.

"Oh, this is just a hobby."

"Well, you're making all my cakes from now on," Vivian told Mellisa after they had all had their fill. There was a chorus of agreement.

"Thank you, mommy. This is the best birthday ever!" Amanda said, hugging her mother before running off to finish eating her piece.

"She's a really well-mannered child," Vivian mused.

"I know, right? Puts the rest of ours to shame," Emily said, causing everyone to laugh.

"Yeah, I really lucked out with her," Mellisa said as she watched her daughter, a smile ever present on her face.

"Well, the sun is starting to set. What saw we grab the kids and settle in for movie night? We might have other park goers joining us, since it's a Saturday and an open space. So, we might as well get good seats before it gets too crowded," Caleb suggested, clearing the remnants of their festivities.

"Wait, do we have permission to do this? I don't feel like being chased off by the cops," Vivian commented.

"We're okay. Ryan got the permit two days ago, and we already cleared it with the park rangers," Caleb assured her. Mellisa remained bewildered, at how much thought they had put into it.

As the group moved towards where the projector was set up, Mellisa called for their attention.

"Before we go see the movie, I just want to tell you how thankful I am to have you all in my life." Mellisa could already feel herself tearing up, even though she tried hard not to cry. "And I don't just mean this party. I mean, yes, you have all gone above and beyond to make this day special for Amanda, and I will never be able to thank you enough for that.

But it's more than that. I cannot put into words how much it means to me that you are all in my life. You gave me a family when I thought I had none. You never let me fall even when I felt like I didn't have the strength to stand, and despite being the outsider in this group, you never let me feel left out. You have all accepted Amanda and I unto your folds even after we have caused you more trouble than we are worth."

By this time, Mellisa could no longer control her tears, nor could the other women. She even saw some of the men discretely wipe away the lone tears.

"You give us too much credit, Mel."

"We only did what we would have done for anyone else in this group. You are part of this group."

"You are family, babe."

"You are too hard on yourself, Mellisa. You are inspirational in how you've dealt with the cards handed to you. You completely amaze me."

Everyone had something to add in response to her speech. It truly warmed her heart.

But the thing that had put the biggest smile on her face was that Ryan had called her Mel.

After the day of Amanda's party, Mellisa felt lighter. She had started to be more open and carefree. Her friends had made her realize that things were looking up for her. She had been more willing to actively involve them in her lives.

Things were going well for her on all fronts. She was finally allowed to return to work, and she had been thriving.

But, unknown to her, trouble was brewing, and she would soon come face to face with her biggest tragedy yet.

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