Chapter Thirty-Five

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It had taken Charlotte nearly ten hours of labor before she had finally given birth to a beautiful baby girl. She had been beyond exhausted and fallen asleep pretty quickly. Fortunately, she suffered no complications.

Jackson, on the other hand, behaved as if he was doped up on caffeine. Since the moment his daughter came into the world, he couldn't stop jumping around. He was beyond happy, and Mellisa and Kyle couldn't keep the smiles off their faces, watching their brother; even more when the nursing staff threatened to kick him out of the hospital if he didn't pipe down.

"You should see her, Mel. She's absolutely perfect. I never thought I could love someone that much," Jackson gushed to his sister when they had finally gotten him to calm down.

"I'll take your word for it till I see her myself," Mellisa told him. "Life as you know it is going to change forever, bud. You should get a nap now. There's no knowing when you're going to sleep next," Mellisa laughed as she said this, but both her brothers looked frightened.

"Are Olivia and I going to have to find somewhere else to live?" Kyle asked. The skepticism in his expression told her that he wasn't entirely joking, if at all.

"Are you ready to meet the newest member of your family?" Vivian approached them with a smile on her face. The siblings quickly jumped to their feet, nodding.

"Follow me," Vivian beckoned. She led them into the maternity ward where Charlotte had been moved. The siblings quietly entered the room to see Olivia and their grandparents already there, lovingly watching as a wet nurse taught Charlotte how to get the baby to latch onto her breast for a feed.

"Ummm... Char? Are you sure you want an audience while you feed your baby?" Mellisa asked, feeling uncomfortable for Charlotte at the invasion of privacy.

"I'm too deliriously in love right now to care about that. Ask me when I'm back to my senses. I might change my mind," Charlotte said dreamily.

Mellisa looked around the room thinking about how it would have felt to have had her family around when she gave birth. A tinge of sadness overtook her, but she was also happy that Charlotte and her baby would never have to go through what she and Amanda did.

Kyle and Olivia realized how Mellisa felt, because she felt them both wrap their arms tightly around her, standing on either side of her. Mellisa felt truly loved in that moment.

"So, Auntie Mel," Charlotte said, "are you ready to meet your goddaughter?"

Charlotte's question took Mellisa by surprise.

"M-me?" She stumbled with her words.

"Who else but the person that raised her daddy?" Charlotte asked, looking lovingly at her boyfriend.

"Mel, I know we didn't ask you this earlier. You can feel free to say no. No pressure. But we couldn't think of a better person to name as our daughter's godmother. What do you say?" Jackson asked her hopefully.

"I would be honored," Mellisa said with tears in her eyes, as she stepped forward.

"Well, then. Come meet Madeleine Mellisa Adams," Jackson pulled his sister forward.

"You named her after me?"

"Well, you took mom's name for yourself. I didn't have a choice," Jackson joked, carefully handing his daughter over to his sister.

"She's beautiful," Mellisa whispered as she stared into her cerulean eyes. 

Hours later, Mellisa still hadn't gotten enough of the bundle of joy in her arms, as she gently rocked Maddy, sitting by Charlotte's bedside.

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