Farkas | Proposals

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Hey! I'm using prompts from Tumblr user, writings-of-a-hufflepuff 's prompt list 1.

I'm currently working on an Ulfric fic that is going to be 5000+ words (though I may post it in separate parts, like when I do a large time jump), and have the startings for a couple of other characters fics. I'm currently just posting any Farkas fics I've already written but didn't want to spam Farkas content. Requests are open! Enjoy!

Title: Proposals

Word Count: 1010

Pairing: Farkas x Dragonborn! Reader

Requested?: Nope.

Summary: Farkas knows that the Dragonborn can get any man she wants, so he starts questioning if she'll agree to his marriage proposal. (ft. Vilkas being a good brother)

Prompt: 97. "Oh, who cares what they think!? I want you!"

Farkas was well aware of all her suitors. He was also aware of all the rumors. Whispers of her falling for various men. He knew that it meant nothing, but that didn't stop him from worrying about them.

The amulet in his hand felt heavier the more he thought about it. She couldn't want a man like him when she could marry a richer, smarter, better-looking man, right? Y/n was Dragonborn, she could certainly pull men in by droves.

It was hard for him to wrap his head around. He thought that they had something together, but there were just too many rumors. Maybe Vilkas could understand it, he always seemed to, after all, Vilkas was the smart twin.


Farkas whispered, just barely rapping his knuckles against the door.

Farkas could hear his brother as he approached the door, and as soon as Vilkas saw him, he pulled him in without a word.

"What's wrong? Whose face do I need to break-?"
"Vilkas... do you know what I should do about Y/n?"

"What do you mean?"

"She's got all these suitors..."


"...do you think she'd still say yes?"

Vilkas took his twin by the shoulders, staring at his face.

"What kind of dumb question is that? You should know better than to question her love."


As Farkas's face fell, the other twin immediately felt guilty for not being sympathetic when his brother was at a low.

"Farkas, I... I'm certain that she'd pick you over every other man."

"How certain?"

"Certain enough that I would ask her for you."


"I wouldn't in reality. She's your girl, I would not do something that big for you."

"She'd see through the difference in our voices."

"You're not wrong about that. Mine's clearly more elegant."

"Good thing she likes gruff voices. They're clearly better."

"He comes in here for help, yet he decides to just insult me-" Vilkas was clearly dramatizing, throwing his hands up in the air.

"Thank you, Vilkas." He mocked, grinning.

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