Ulfric | That's Us (TWO)

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Title: That's Us

(Part 2/5)

Word Count: 2882

Pairing: Ulfric Stormcloak x Nord! Reader

Requested?: Nope.

Summary: She grew up with him, but what happens when life gets hard? What happens when Ulfric becomes less of the boy she knew and more of a man ruined by war?


"Y/n..." his voice shook as he said her name," why, old friend, would you give me this? We haven't talked in 15 years-"

"Because I still care about you, dammit! Why else would I be here?!"

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"Ulfric, I hope this letter finds you well. There's news of an oncoming war, and to be completely honest... I'm scared. I don't want to see some war over races. If war hits Skyrim, I fear what men will feel about elves... I wish you were here. I'd at least feel a little safer, regardless of the fact that I've become a better swordsman, swordswoman than my father. I miss having you around Ulfric. It has been difficult to make more friends, seeing as women think I'm far too much like a man and men are terrified of a woman who can defeat them in battle, shocking, I know. But I'll keep you notified of any changes, especially if there are any particularly bold men who offer their hand in marriage."

Yours truly,

Y/n L/n

Ulfric smiled as he finished reading her letter. He missed her too, in fact, there wasn't a day that had gone by where he didn't think about her. She had become the most important person in his life throughout their years apart.

But there were concerning bits as well, the war with the elves was a large issue that stuck out in his mind, but the other was much sillier, much more lovesick. Her joking about marriage proposals. He had taken an interest in her as a child, but her letters had solidified his thoughts about her, and his thoughts were still the same. He was still in love with her.

Ulfric shook his head and returned to the tome he had been instructed to read, continuing his lessons on the Thu'um. But his eyes continued to glance back to Y/n's letter.

'It's nothing Ulfric," he told himself. 'Don't worry about it, don't worry about her.'

And then something inside him snapped, and he got up from his chair in search of Master Arngeir, to tell him he was stopping his training.

High Hrothgar was a cold stone temple sat on the tallest mountain in Tamriel, and Ulfric had decided that after ten years, he would return home.

"What? You wish to end your training? Why?"

"There's a war brewing, Master Arngeir, and I want to protect my home."

"This would not be a wise decision child, it would be much better if you stayed-"

"I've made up my mind, Master. I'm going home to Windhelm."

Arngeir sighed but allowed Ulfric to return to his home, trying to urge Ulfric to never use his Thu'um incorrectly. But Ulfric muttered an agreement and packed his things into a bag before making his way back home to Windhelm.


Ulfric did most of his journey on foot, watching people's regular day to day lives.

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