Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: Chills

Like him.

He was drunk the day before his sister's accident and the accident can't be anyone else's fault but the driver, but then again the gun, wasn't it his gun? Officer Jaecobs?

A gun he had lost years ago, which took him months to replace, how come she had it? How come it was loaded? How come... This questions are giving me a headache.

Why did I kick him out? Well I got hit by a train of thoughts when he spoke, now I know exactly what I have to do.

I'm going to see Mr. Jaecobs.


I made my way to the front desk of the prison where he was being held.

"Hello, I came to see Mr. K.Jaecobs."

"Right this way." The middle aged man directed me. It seemed like the visitation area but more confined, maybe for a one on one session? Maybe not.

There I saw him, Mr. Jaecobs, the man I used to look up to, he used to teach me and Le'Eah how to play soccer, he told us we're going to be stars one day. At this moment the only star I can think about is my Le'Eah, wherever her soul is wandering.

"Hello Sheryl."

"Hello Mr. Jaecobs." I replied, poker faced.

"Just Kyal don't be so formal with me."

"Quris was here a few days ago, he spoke about how both of you are the same. I don't understand how both of you are alike in anyway, here you are Mr- Kyal, rotting in jail for 3 counts of murder." I responded, not wasting anytime

"Oh, so that little rat spoke to people about it, huh? I Should've thought... Anyways, has your girlfriend awoken yet?"



"Why yes, I'm her father after all, I can tell how my daughter's behavior changes around you. We've known you for 10 years now, and I noticed that maybe when you both were I think 14 or 15, how you would steal kisses from each other. How you would subconsciously hold hands. I noticed all that." He said, Matter of factly I might add.

"I know how homophobic you can be, if you could kill her mom when she was 16 then you could've killed us too, for the same reason you killed her uncles, why didn't you?" I asked while leaning forward.

"Oh those 3 souls, I indeed felt so guilty afterwards, but unlike them she is my daughter, she has been in a dark place since she was young, I haven't seen her smile in ages, finally whenever she was around you it's like a missing spark in her life was filled. A spark me, Quris and her mother couldn't fill. A spark that would be ignited by you smiling at her or even just hugging her. Now tell me, what right did I have to deprive my daughter of the happiness she could never have with her family, instead I want to thank you, thank you for caring for my child when her own family couldn't. I always wondered why she was always close to those two men, in those few years I found out why. Now tell me, how come you were able to fill the spot just by your mere presence. When we, her life-givers couldn't?" Every word coming out of this mans mouth is hard to explain, I felt happy but sad at the same time.

"Do you know that she is in a coma Kyal?"

"Why yes, I've visited her on several occasions, you know, I was at the crime scene when she got hit, I was watching when she held a gun to her head, and I was watching too when she wrote 'suicide notes.' You would call me a stalker for reasons I would understand but I was also there when she put those notes in specific parts of the house. How was I there? Well let's say the apartment where they live belong to me, so me, being the owner of that specific unit, always had a key, multiple times I've walked in there, realizing what I deprived myself of, my children's life." He bursted into tears at the last sentence. I, too had tear filled eyes.

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