Chapter Eight - The Trial

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Sorry its so short guys, I swear the next chapter will be more exciting and longer :) Anyway, enjoy! :)


I was sitting on the cold dirty floor of my cell, resting my head against the cold brick wall.

It has been a week since Chime's death, and today it will be decided if I would share her fate.

It wont be long until...

My stomach rumbled, interupting my thoughts.

I raised my hand, and rubbed my stomach hungrily.

I havent been fed in two days, but even if I was lucky enough to be fed, the food would have just made me sick.

The door of the prison suddenly creeked open, and heavy footsteps were approaching.

The sound of crackling fire was getting louder, and suddenly a tall shadowy figure stood before my cell, with a torch in his hand.

"Get up." He growled at me, opening the cell.

I reluctantly got up, glaring at the prison gaurd.

He went in and grabbed my uper arm, and dragged me outside of my cell, and shackled my arms and legs.

He continued dragging me, through the prison corridors, filled with cells and prisoners.

The sound of dragging chains echoed throughout the dark, shadowy corridor, earning me looks, glares and sneers of prisoners.

I weakly continued walking. But the gaurd made no effort of slowing down.

In fact he walked even faster.

We suddenly arrived at a huge door, with two torches on the left and right of the huge door, eerily illuminating it.

The guard pulled out a ring full of large keys, and selected a bronze key, and shoved it into the huge lock on the door.

It creeked open, and the gaurd pushed the large door open, letting light fill the prison.

I winced and tried to cover my eyes with my hands.

"Lets go!" The gaurd growled at me loudly, pulling on my chains.

I stumbled forward, and let a breath of fresh air into my desperate lungs.

Today was my first time being outside since last week, and I was enjoying the long awaited fresh air.

My chains were suddenly yanked again, and I was forced to follow the gaurd again.

I was dragged through the village, on our way to the courthouse.

Villagers stopped what they were doing, just to spare me a glance.

I saw the look in their eyes; regret, sadness, helplessness.

But it was too late. It was about to be too late for me, and way past too late for Chime.

I was already on my pathway to death, on my way to sharing Chime's fate.

We approached the courthouse, where my fate was soon to be dealed out.

The prison guard dragged me through the doors of the courthouse.

The courthouse was already full with people, those who will decide my fate, and those who watch it.

I was placed behind a table, and seated down. A man I didnt know sat next to me, listening to the accusations carefully.

"What do you plead for these accusations?" The judge asked, a look in his eyes that resembled fear.

I stared at him confused for a moment, and answered, "I dont know your honor."

He just glared at me, and repeated the accusations.

"You have been charged with breaking the law, taking the Accepted One, which was Chime, away from the village, which is a very serious crime Mr. Jacob. This led to many deaths. What do you plead, Mr. Jacob?"

My expression was hard and cold, my eyes showing no emotion. "Guilty."

There were few gasps, and the people and jury started whispering to each other.

"There is no evidence, so we will let the jury decide a few things out, jury dismissed." The judge dismissed the jury, and they all left the court room, leaving into a hallway.

I still had to remain seated, forced to endure the glares and stares of the people behind me, but I just continued sitting, emotionless.

Honestly, I didn't care what happened to me from now on, everything I loved was now gone.

I remained sitting and half an hour later, the jury came back in and handed the judge papers.

He scanned through them quickly, and suddenly stopped and looked down at me.

"Is there anything else you'd like to share with the court today? This is your final chance."

I just stared at the judge with cold eyes. "No."

The judge looked back at his papers, and then at me.

"Very well. The jury gathered up all the votes and the choice was now made clear..."

The entire courthouse was eerily silent, waiting for the Judge to say the final words of whether I was guilty or innocent.

While the jury on the other hand looked content.

"Mr. Jacob, you have been found by this courthouse and this jury, guilty."

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