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41. 23% of the couples who meet through online dating end up marrying.

42.You tend to fall in love with the person who is more like your parents.

43.It's painful to say goodbye to someone you don't want to let go, but more painful to ask someone to stay when you know they want to leave.

44.When you see someone you're interested in, what feels like butterflies in your stomach is actually a stress response caused by adrenaline.

45.Never change for someone. If they can't accept you for who you are at your worst, they don't deserve to see you at your best.

46.When flirting with the average amount of glances to 'send a signal' it is 3.

47.Expressing Gratitude Towards People You Love Causes An Immediate Spike In Your Happiness.

48.Whenever you think about someone a lot.. It's because they were thinking about you first.(Exceptions are there, like celebrities...)

49.Kissing is also good for teeth. It increases the flow of saliva which disperses plaque.

50.Men tend to fall in love after just 3 days, but women don't fall in love until Date 13 onwards.

51.Being single will save you a thousand times more stress than being in the wrong relationship.

52.A happy heart is a healthy heart.

53.When you're in a relationship, your instincts automatically know if you're going to work out or not.

54.Love doesn't start in the morning and end in the evening. It starts when you don't need it and ends when you need it the most.

55.Men who tend to fall in love and say I love you first in the relationship.

56.People are more attracted to others who share a similar attraction level with them.

57.Sometimes the best way to solve a problem is to stop caring.

58.Sometimes you have to stop worrying, wondering, and doubting and just have faith that things will work out.

59.If you hold hands with someone you love, this can help to alleviate physical pain as well as any feelings of stress and fear.

60.Most of the time, boys make the first move. But, if a girl does it then, believe me, no one can love you more than that girl.


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