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41.Although being loud and bubbly is thought to be a common trait of extroverts, not all extroverts fit into this mold. Being extroverted is not about whether or not an individual is loud or talkative.

42.Studies have shown that people who dress well feel better about themselves and are generally happier.

43.Shy Extroverts Do Exist.

44.Extroverts can be great listeners even though they are thought to be overly talkative. They also tend to be very understanding and likely to know how comforting this is to say.

45.If there is attraction, the two people turn or even square their shoulders to each other. If one has shoulders turned away (unless looking for something way over there), which usually means that person is not interested.

46.Extroverts often enjoy the company of many people but that does not mean that they don’t enjoy having close friends or spending time with only a few close people.

47.The extrovert is characteristically the active person who is most content when surrounded by people; carried to the neurotic extreme such behaviour appears to constitute an irrational flight into society, where the extrovert's feelings are acted out.

48.An extrovert's personality is stimulated by their environment.

49.They are highly likely to compromise their own happiness or comfort to make someone that they care about happy.

50.An Extrovert is good friend.

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