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21.Most of boys hate to see the doctor; they always try to ignore that.

22.Men have 10% larger noses than women.

23.Women have better senses of smell and taste. They have 50 more cells (neurons) in their olfactory bulbs-the part of the brain responsible for processing smells. Women also usually have more taste buds than men.

24.Men have 6 times more testosterone in their bodies than women. Testosterone impairs the region of the brain responsible for impulse control and attraction.

25.50% of women who are murdered are killed by either their ex husbands or boyfriends.

26.Scientists have discovered that women's and men's brain function somewhat differently. Men tend to use only one side of their brain at a time, when focused on a task, devoting all of their concentration and attention to the task at hand. On the other hand, women, tend to use both sides of brain at the same time, making them adept at multitasking.

27.There is a method to find out whether your boyfriend is unfaithful or not. Find out your boyfriend's IQ, studies show that unfaithful men have lower IQ's.

28.While Men have physically larger brains than women, size does not directly correlate with intelligence.

29.Men eat twice as much when they are with women.

30.Curiosity may motivate the traditional canine bottom-sniff greeting. Scent matching can allow a dog to place another dog at the site of the marking. Your dog may be trying to match smells along their route with the dogs they meet.


21.Women are more involved in sex. They are having sex 17% more often than the average guy.

22.There are more women than men in Russia, they are 9 million more than men.

23.Humour is associated with intelligence and honesty, this is why most women tend to be attracted to men with a good sense of humour.

24.Women deal with stress by joining or socializing with others, whereas men love to fly away or get fight with others.

25.Generally, a woman will only argue with someone she truly cares for. Arguing less occurs when she's less interested.

26.Women are more attracted to men who pay attention, someone who remembers details about them without having to be reminded.

27.Even 5 to 8 days after having sex, woman can get pregnant.

28.Most women wear less than half of the clothes they own, this is true of only one in five men.

29.Women are excited by the smell of newborn babies, they are excited in the same way an addict enjoys drugs.

30.Women generally prefer men with deep husky voices because they seem more confident and not aggressive.

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