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61.Sarcasm can improve your IQ.

62.If one of your personality traits includes fearing the unknown, then you may be at a higher risk for anxiety disorders. Individuals who spend more time worrying about what might happen will suffer from different social anxieties, panic disorders or phobias.

63.Seek a financial investor who is high in agreeableness. Studies show that agreeable investors are least likely to lose money from risky trading. But you may want to avoid an investor who's high in openness—that personality trait is associated with overconfidence, which can lead an investor to take excessive risks.

64.Life offers you an endless amount of possibilities. Don’t settle for a crappy job, crappy friends or a crappy significant other.

65.Asking for advice is a powerful way to influence others and warm them to you.

66. 90% of the time people with messy handwriting are more creative than average.

67.Current Research Suggests That There Are Five Core Personality Traits.

68.Falling in love helps to stabilise the personalities of people who are neurotic. Love helps people who think pessimistically to approach life with more confidence and see events in a more positive light.

69.Slow eaters generally like to be in control and know how to appreciate life. Fast eaters tend to be ambitious, goal-oriented, open to new experiences, and often impatient.

70.If you are attractive, then the chances are less that you can get a job associated with masculine qualities. Studies suggest that less attractive women are more preferred for these kind of jobs.

71.Studies indicate that the order you are born in can influence the type of personality you will have. It is common for firstborn children to be more responsible and better leaders while last-born children will have a more carefree personality who is more irresponsible and impulsive.

72.Communicating without ambiguity is the cornerstone of strong performers and leaders. It is possible to avoid many conflicts and be an effective leader by communicating crisply.

73.Friendships between men & women is often viewed with suspicion, mistrust & even enmity.

74.If you ever want to know something from someone, just ask them a question …. when they are done answering, keep silent and maintain an eye contact. They will tell you some more stuff, almost everything.

75.We are more likely to succeed in life if we can master delayed gratification. Fortunately, you can work on your ability to delay gratification.

76.People who are low on conscientiousness are more likely to cheat on their partner, research finds.

77.Allow a person to contribute within their skills and abilities to let them know they are needed and a part of your family.

78.Helpful people have more sex.

79.A smiling face is always preferable to a grumpy coffee-pot face. When dealing with team mates, one can get great results just with the help of a cool demeanour and a smiling face. It costs nothing but pays much to keep a cheerful attitude.

80.Your personality can have an effect on your quality of life. Optimist personalities tend to have a higher quality of life while pessimists have a lower quality of life.


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