~Bakudeku~ The future is a new beginning 👬

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//Authors Note// 

Hey! So after some thought I decided I would write a Bakudeku story! Enjoy 💗 

{Word count} 392



This story contains....

•Sad content

If you don't like or are offend by these things please skip this story. 

Thank you! 


~Deku's prov~  

Hello! My name is Deku. Well that's not my real name but it will do for now. Today I'm here to tell you about my life. So what happened after UA? Well let me tell you.  

                                                  💮~ Friends ~💮

Me and todoroki got closer, He came out to me and of course I was thrilled. I was happy he felt like he could trust me and I promised to keep his secret. Then you wouldn't believe what happened! He started dating Kirishima. They are so cute together!  

                                                   💼~ Career ~ 💼 

I am now Number one hero! I never thought I would make it this far. And be so good, but I am! And it's so amazing. My fans are the best they always cheer me on. At safe distance of course. 

                                                  👪~ Family ~👪

All might adopted me! I'm sure your shocked so was I! That was years ago tho he dated my mum for a while. But sadly she died in a accident it breaks my heart to know she's gone I bring flowers to her grave every week she was the best woman I have ever met. If your seeing this mum I love you. But the bad news doesn't stop there All might is really sick....He has been for years now I know I'm an adult but I still need him around he gave me his Quirk! I love him like a dad. I can't watch him go.....not yet.  

                                               👬~ Relationship ~👬

I am married to the love of my life! And my childhood friend. Kachann we've been married for 1 year. Our relationship is complex but still amazing. Sure he hated me at the start but now I wake up with him everyday. Like my mum used to say The future is a new beginning.  

//Authors Note// 

I'm sorry it was so short. I just got the idea and thought it would be a good story! I Hope you Enjoyed "The Future is a new beginning 👬" 

💗 Alright readers,till we meet again 💗 

~ The anonymous gay writer ~ 

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