~Erasermight~ I love you 😔

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//Authors Note//

Hey! So I tried to link a video in But it won't let me. Please listen to "Trouble I'm in" by twinbed. It's amazing! Enjoy 💗 

{Word count} 967



This story contains.... 

•Sad content 

•Light swearing

If you don't like or are offend by these things please skip this story. 

Thank you! 


~Aizawa's prov~ 

Things have been different in UA. Toshinori is on sick leave, his injury is getting worse by the day. Of course school is strange without him, Deku has been a mess since he left. Always late for class never has the homework done. I worry about him, he was at the top of his game. And now just like that he's failing. 

If Toshinori was here he would give him so stupid speech. About never giving up and all that shit. Me on the other hand... I'll give him some time to figure himself out. The rest of the class are fine, of course they're worried. The teachers are the same, everyone is worried. Today me And Mic are at the hospital to see him. Mic won't shut up he's clearly worried.

And me? Oh well I'm fine. I don't really care. Well at least that's what I try tell myself of course I'm worried. He's a good man a good....... Friend. Nothing more. Me and Toshinori go way back. 

                                                   💫 Flashback 💫 

~Nobody's prov~

Damn it I'm going to be late. A young Aizawa was running threw the halls, he wasn't watching where he was going, how could he!? He was about to be late for his first day! Trust him to get lost on the very first day. But All of a sudden. 

 "Aw! What the hell!" Aizawa was annoyed he was going to be late and now someone had hit him and hurt his arm! 

 " oh dear, I'm so very sorry. I didn't see you there. "  The voice was deep. With a very apologetic tone. Clearly nervous. 

 Aizawa didn't fail to miss the apologetic tone. And was too late to be getting into a fight so instead of arguing he simply said "Yea, whatever" he got up and pasted the large figure . He didn't even bother to look. But the mysterious man put his hand on Aizawa's shoulder. Aizawa's head shot back by surprise at the sudden contact he then made eye contact with the man.

He was..... Perfect. Amazing golden hair, electronic blue eyes, tall and muscular. Aizawa was shocked he felt his cheeks go red. He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing would come out. 

 "Hi, I'm Toshinori" he tried breaking the silence with a friendly introduction . 

 "Oh I'm in I'm....Aizawa?" He said it like a question, he was still lost in the amazing man's looks. 

 " Haha , it's nice to meet you" his laugh was like a drug, like music. 

 "Ye...yeah.."  Aizawa snapped out of his daze when he heard foot steps. 

 " EXCUSE ME BOYS" oh shit. It was the principle. 

 "What are you two doing out of class!" She was not happy. Aizawa knew he was about to be in a lot of trouble. 

Toshinori seen Aizawa's facial expression. A mix of tried and worried. So he stepped in. 

 "I'm so sorry miss, I asked my friend here to borrow me some notes before class started but then made him skip class with me" Toshinori knew he would get in trouble but he wanted to protect his New friend. 

 "Come with me young man, and you go to class" Toshinori walked away with the principle and Aizawa was left there shocked. He saved me? 

                                                 💫 End of flashback 💫 

~Nobody's prov~

"Aizawa!" It was Hizashi "huh?" Aizawa returned back to the real world. Aizawa rubbed his eyes and looked at Mic. Mic had tears streaming down his eyes,. "What why are yo-" he was cut off by the doctor calling his name. "We need to speak in private Mr.Aizawa" her face had a look of pity. They walked into a room , she closed the door and walked over to Aizawa putting a comforting hand on his shoulder. The next words that left her mouth was the one thing Aizawa didn't want to hear. 

"Mr.Aizawa your friend Toshinori Yagi was rushed to the hospital last Friday at 6pm. He was put into three surgeries over those eight days. Today.... Today your friend Toshinori Yagi had some complications after a injection to ease pain. " she stopped talking for a moment and took a deep breath. "I'm very sorry Mr.Aizawa, he's dead"

Everything stopped in that moment. Tears began to build up in his eyes he began to cry uncomfortably. "I didn't get to say goodbye" he cried the doctor patted him on the back trying to comfort him. " Now Mr.Aizawa you are allowed to go in and say your final goodbyes to your friend before the body is moved" Aizawa continued to cry but gave a nod. They walked in to the room, the doctor left Aizawa to say his goodbyes. 

And Aizawa said the one thing he wanted to say to Toshinori. The one thing he believed he would never say in the presents of the Number one hero. The tears continued to spill from his eyes. He lent down to Toshinori's ear and in a completely silent room whispered into his ear. He got up walked out of the hospital not even bothering to find Hizashi. And the words he whispered echoed in his head.

"I love you" 

//Authors Note// 

I know it's sad. I'm sorry for another sad story. Honestly it broke my heart to write this! I Hope you Enjoyed "I love you 😔" 

💗 Alright readers,till we meet again 💗 

~ The anonymous gay writer ~ 

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